beyond the battlefield Podcast
beyond the battlefield
Beyond the Battlefield
Ep  34 - 1st Impressions of 9th - episode of beyond the battlefield podcast

Ep 34 - 1st Impressions of 9th

1 hour 58 minutes Posted Aug 24, 2020 at 9:39 pm.
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Show notes

The original gang is back together, and we hear everyone’s first impressions after a dozen games played and the first round of FAQs received.

Lucas is returns to the role everyone loves, the ill-informed, inexperienced player, who asks questions and gives critiques only someone with zero games played could.

We catch up with Cody and all his GSC hobby antics, and welcome him back to the couch.

Lastly Helm sits down for a tete-a-tete (that’s French for head-to-head, Ray) with Vuk Djordjevic to get another perspective on ninth’s competitive experience.

So grab that steering wheel and white-knuckle it as we drive back into the banter you love.