WED., , 8PM EST. Call in # (419) 549-5744From the Midwest to the eastern shores of Cape Cod, Join Josh Kimmel and Leighton Harrington as we discuss all aspects of these great hobbies of metal detecting and treasure hunting.Radio for you. Metal detecting and treasure hunting radio. Information, inspiration and motivation! Let's share our stories and experiences and make some finds! Wed. nights 8PM Eastern time.
11/13/16: Safety and medical awareness detecting
Nov 14, 2016
1 hr 47 min
11/9/16:   It's not goodbye...or is it?...
CALL IN #(419) 549-5744 Well, weve had some good times on blogtalk but the mic goes silent here soon.  Tune in for final details!
Nov 10, 2016
1 hr 24 min
11/6/16: Voice your thoughts...True interactive detecting radio...
CALL IN #(419) 549-5744 Ok folks...It's time for a bit of a pow wow so to speak.  Some things need to be mentioned and some questions even asked...That's why it's time for some interactivve radio!  BEYOND SIGHT AND SOUND has provided many hours of information and entertainment to people from the beginning and all the listener support has always been appreciated.  You may want to tune in for this one folks...While you're waiting and all is quiet enjoy the day.  The mic is silent for now...  Sde you soon.
Nov 7, 2016
1 hr 39 min
11/2/16: Field hunting is in!...
CALL IN # (419) 549-5744 For many of us the crops are off the fields so it's back to the fields or the woods.  Have you been out hunting?  What have you found?  Join in and share with the rest of us!
Nov 3, 2016
1 hr 30 min
Out of the vault: Frank Pandozzi talks about ghost town hunting
Ghost town hunting can be a very interesting and fulfilling aspect of our hobby and if you happen to google the name Frank Pandozzi you will see for yourself that not only has Frank been immersed in this aspect of our hobby for many years he certainly has produced some very nice finds on a regular basis over the years.  Not only is Frank a published author, he is very well known in the hobby and just a great guy to speak with on this topic.   Since we are close to Halloween I have been wanting to share this episode again for awhile now and thought that now is a great time to do so!  Great guest, great information, great callers and a great time!  (Original air date 10/21/15)
Oct 31, 2016
1 hr 23 min