Better Friends Watching Friends Podcast Podcast

Better Friends Watching Friends Podcast

Join best friends and amateur podcast hosts Sarah Reijnen and Ashley Madden as they take you through each episode of the hit NBC comedy ”Friends.” Each episode commentary contains fun facts, trivia, and analysis. While it may not be professional, it‘s guaranteed to be an informative and judgy lovefest.
S2E7: The One Where Ross Finds Out #yadonejules
It's a juicy one! Ross discovers Rachel has feelings for him and they FINALLY get their first *real* kiss. Join us as we unpack this emotionally charged episode and say a final farewell (ya done) to Julie. Peppered into the discussion are also things that don't work, like bike shorts with K-Mart sweatshirts, tiny wine glasses, and half-time cat sharing.
Nov 11, 2023
1 hr 26 min
S2E5: The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant
We explore the most insufferable episode yet, exploring the social dynamics of Team Rich (Ross, Chandler and Monica) vs Team Poor (Phoebe, Rachel and Joey) as their friendships becomes "awkward and bumpy." Also, we decide it's a perfectly acceptable practice to order only a side salad for dinner. #extrajabby
Sep 29, 2023
1 hr 10 min
S2E4: The One with Phoebe’s Husband #secondhandtriplenippletrauma
Guest Briana Reijnen joins us to discuss nipples, body image, and cliches. Did you know the friends represent the seven deadly sins, and that their clothes finally fit? Let's slap a hat on that forehead and talk about nubbins!
Sep 17, 2023
1 hr 15 min
S2E3: The One Where Heckles Dies #bittertown
Ashley and Sarah dive into Heckle's last episode to unpack Chandler's insecurities, discover the origin of the adam's apple, and revel in Phoebe and Ross' conflict over science and evolution.
Jul 18, 2023
1 hr 1 min
S2E2: The One With the Breast Milk #hombreman
Mom life took us away for a few months, but we are back and we really lean into momming... Join us to discuss how this episode relates to elements of the Hero's Journey, how Ross is a big ol' baby, cologne ingredients, and so much info about breastmilk.
Jun 30, 2023
1 hr 3 min
S2E1: The One With Ross’ New Girlfriend #thatshowtheydopants
We're back for another season, and like Ross, there is a new baby in our lives! Join us while we rewatch our favorite episodes and try to remember fun Friends triva, despite our millennial mom brains.
Mar 15, 2023
1 hr 7 min
S1E24: The One Where Rachel Finds Out #janeaustinangst
It's our first finale, and Season 1 has been a fun ride! Join us as we explore Jane Austin parallels, fertility studies, and fashion that is "90s fine."
Jan 4, 2023
1 hr 12 min
S1E23: The One with the Birth #franticflapping
The stars have aligned, because at the time of recording, Sarah is ALSO about to give birth. This was a good one, despite the congestion. We discuss how antiquated the 90s sitcom format now is, Rachel's doctor complex, drop-foot syndrome, and how we thought Jonathan Silverman was in more things.
Sep 20, 2022
1 hr 18 min
S1E22: The One with the Ick Factor #dreamscore
There are some things just off about this episode...but we sure have a great time trying to figure them out! Monica's new love interest is supposed to be 17 but looks like a 40 year-old-dad, we can't remember all the components of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and WHY ARE THERE SO MANY BINDERS (for the WENUS)?
Jun 21, 2022
1 hr 4 min
S1E21: The One with the Fake Monica #tapdancingcriminals
How much do you love Drunk Monica? How much does a WonderMop actually cost? Why is there a bucket of communal shoes? How dangerous is it really to keep a monkey as a pet? Join us as we lament over all the skills we wish we had and debate how to spell "joozje"...tszuj? zhush? (A real spelling may not actually exist.)
May 10, 2022
1 hr 6 min
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