Betrayal Recovery Radio: The Official Podcast of APSATS
Betrayal Recovery Radio: The Official Podcast of APSATS
Betrayal Recovery Radio
Peak Parenting in the Midst of Betrayal & Addiction
53 minutes Posted Aug 10, 2023 at 10:00 am.
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Sex addiction and betrayal doesn't have to take your parenting to new lows. In fact, by focusing on your core values you can realign your efforts to breathe new life into your parenting. People wonder what to tell the children and how to become a "family in recovery." It is possible to achieve peak parenting by recognizing your weak spots and using tools to combat the things that are pulling you into defeat. Join us as we discuss how to navigate the road of recovery while reaching new, more meaningful connections with your children. Believe it or not, your family relationships can blossom and flourish during this time. Windell Gill interviews Stacey Sadler for this impacting session.