Embrace yourself, warts and all. Own your story...your triumphs and your failures as that is where your strength in business lies! Get your kindle copy here!
Sep 10, 2020
5 min
This podcast features Bernie Davies reading the section in her Amazon bestselling Book, that unpacks the value of understanding behaviours and differing personality types and using this knowledge to build key relationships which lead to a fruitful network of connections. Get your Kindle copy now! Paperback is available on Amazon October 2020.
Sep 10, 2020
7 min
Confidence is key and I share parts of my Book which touch on Confidence and harnessing your inner strength. You can get your Kindle copy here!
Sep 10, 2020
7 min
Many people have a great business or product which remain little known because they have not discovered how to market and make themselves VISIBLE! In my Bestselling "companion" business guide, I give you tips to help you implement winning strategies immediately. I read a bit about them here from my book. For a Kindle copy click here! Amazon Paperback is available October 2020!
Sep 9, 2020
7 min
Many have asked me to share a bit about my journey and why I wrote Your Business Your Way! Here is a little bit with lots of gratitude. Get your copy here!
Sep 9, 2020
6 min
I am so grateful for the support for my book which has broken records and continue to surprise me! You can get your Kindle copy here! I hope you take encouragement from my experience to go ahead and dream that dream, start that business and write that Book! Cannot wait for the paperback due out next month, October 2020! Here I tell you why I wrote this book.
Sep 9, 2020
7 min
In this Episode Bernie Davies opens up about a chapter in her life never before told in order to encourage us to never give up. Listen to the end for her story and be encouraged and strengthened!
Jul 4, 2020
15 min
This Episode is about harnessing your POWER by taking responsibility for the change you need!
May 14, 2020
13 min
This Episode is to encourage us all to embrace change, lose the unhealthy baggage of shame and guilt that comes with loss and build on the lessons we learn from it!
May 14, 2020
9 min
This episode is an introduction of what you should expect to receive. Its from my heart. It unpacks real issues that we face daily and explores key growth principles that spans age, creed or doctrine. It sets the stage and opens the door...come in and sit with me a while...let me help you by sharing a little bit of my story each time. I am confident that success in business is only sustainable when we are winning the battle of the mind. Then we can have true Vision with maximum Visibility!
Apr 27, 2020
14 min
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