Ben And Fin's Alternative Hour Podcast

Ben And Fin's Alternative Hour

Ben Ogden
Every other week we review an album of choice, i spose we can be sometimes funny too... From: Utter Radio, Salford
EP 4: The Colour and The Shape - Foo Fighters
Can the 'Foo Fighters' classic TCATS live up to the hype. With Everlong and My hero on the tracklist, its a no brainer... right?
Jan 20, 2023
59 min
EP 3: BUMMER - cleopatrick
Today Ben shows off an independent Canadian band, who may be the next big thing. If you let to of course. This is cleopatrick, this may be the future of rock.
Dec 16, 2022
1 hr
EP 2: Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park
We visit an all time nu-metal classic, but has its sound held up to time? Today we get heavy with Linkin Park. This is Hybrid Theory.
Dec 2, 2022
59 min
EP 1: The Car - Arctic Monkeys
Today we give Alex Turner the aux on his much anticipated road trip. This is the Car. 
Nov 18, 2022
1 hr