Summer is almost here! In this week's episode we take a look at what culinary events we have marked down on our calendar for the month of June. Plus, what happens when our original plans for brunch end up being postponed? We take a spontaneous trip to Festival Cafe, NYC's only Farm to Bar cocktail experience! Also, we're going camping in August. Tell us what you think we should bring to cook and eat in the woods.
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Jun 11, 2021
33 min

In this week's episode our heroes discover the joys of Peruvian food! Alisha becomes OBSESSED with Tacu-Tacu. What is it and can she manage to get her hands on. more of it? Come get behind the scenes of Alisha's Youtube launch and find out about Luis' thoughts as a FIRST TIME TASTER OF PERUVIAN FOOD! Join us on our food quest!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
May 6, 2021
51 min

In this weeks episode our two beasts bounce on new york, bound for the bay! What trouble will they get into in the streets of Maine? Find out this episode of Belly of the Beast!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Apr 17, 2021
52 min

We hope that first episode left you with a taste for more because welcome BACK to Belly of the Beast in this SECOND part of our relaunch, re-LUNCH! In this bonus episode the beasts tackle a BIG FEAR! VEGAN FOOD! If you've been dying to see if these two baleful beasts can handle a lack of animals LETS FIND OUT!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Mar 15, 2021
18 min

Welcome to 2021 ladies and gentlemen and get hype because our beasts are BACK! In this FIRST of TWO episodes, our beasts re-visit the chicken sandwich wars and talk about their valentines day! See where they went and how they felt about it in the first episode of Belly of the Beast in the new year!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Mar 9, 2021
39 min

In this bonus episode of Belly of the Beast, our heroes tackle the an upcoming dual-thanksgiving, the mighty Ichiran, a local Asian eatery, their first call-in, and... arctic winds??? Figure it all out by hitting the play button now!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Nov 13, 2020
35 min

In this week's two part episode our beasts are back with a LOT to talk about starting with the Mighty Alisha's birthday and continuing all the way up to halloween candy preferences! With the second in this two part series dropping A week from today, get ready to be all caught up with our two favorite bellies!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Oct 31, 2020
46 min

In this week's episode our two beasts visit the LES and order one of their favorite pre-pandemic spot for southern eats; Bobwhite's. Will the take-out experience live up to the in-person presentation value? Alisha zings Brandon in her very own version of the express lane, and other surprises on Belly of the Beast!
(please note the Hashtag for lady zombies subthread is #cookingwithladyzombie and not #cookingwithzombie)
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Sep 30, 2020
48 min

In this week's episode, we get breaking news about the restaurant industry and the Mighty Alisha wields her mighty cooking utensils to put together some delicious culinary wins! From cakes to codfish we cover it all in this latest episode of Belly of the Beast!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Sep 15, 2020
49 min

In this week's episode the two beasts return to romping and stomping and bring their findings to you! Is it safe to return to the outside world in NYC once termed the 'new epicenter' of the COVID-19 crisis? Are the restaurants spacing properly and keeping your health first and foremost in their hearts? Join our heroes as they venture out into the world for the first time in several months at Refinery rooftop restaurant.
In last week's episode, our audience was promised a trip to La Cabana. Did our two favorite beasts follow through? Will we ever know what La Cabana has to offer? Find out this week on Belly of the Beast!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/belly-of-the-beast/message
Aug 31, 2020
37 min
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