Believe Podcast


Co-creating our reality by focusing on a variety of possible solutions in a positive, humorous and satirical manner.
The Rise of the Lotus: Rising from the Dead
Thank you for watching! Share if it calls to you! ❤️ Our website: Visit our shop & free your soul! Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch
Sep 29, 2022
23 min
The Divine Feminine, Digital Numbers & Our Vicious Hypocrisy
Thank you for watching! Share if it calls to you! ❤️ Visit our shop & free your soul! Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch
May 25, 2021
1 hr 34 min
Tartaria is Reborn Today: AI, Pretend Elections & Our Beautiful, Hidden, Loving Future
Visit our shop & free your soul!   Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch
Nov 5, 2020
1 hr 22 min
Transhumanism - How to "Opt Out" w/ Filmmaker Matthew August Leddy
Check out the new short film on Transhumanism called "Opt Out" by Matthew: Our website: Our company store: Get some great items that help you & support Love! Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch
Aug 18, 2020
1 hr 7 min
Creating Reality & Moving Beyond "Order out of Chaos" (Masons / Freemasons)
Our website: Our company store: Get some great items that help you & support Love! Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch
Jun 15, 2020
57 min
Freedom Beyond 2020: World Citizens, Doctors & Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine
Hello! I posted this video to one of the largest groups of its kind that I know of in the world, "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine" that has grown to 275,000+ people in just a few days on Facebook over this weekend. Will you start a similar group in your area? Here are some thoughts on how we can empower ourselves for freedom going forward: 0:00 - Introduction 3:20 - Where I'm coming from 9:28 - Billionaire Jim Rogers 2017 economic prediction to me on "Believe" & preparing for possible "2nd wave" coming in 2020 15:10 - How to send love to "both sides" 18:20 - Dealing with the things happening in the world now, thriving in difficult times 20:33 - Events and reactions by governments going on worldwide right now (Michigan, California, Poland, Russia, Hong Kong & more) 27:14 - Elon Musk, Google VP's public plan for the world, "Post Human Future" in mainstream news, microchipping humans on local NBC news 29:10 - You have choices for freedom that you are not yet aware of (it's not about "evil", it's about "options") 31:32 - The government works for the people, remember that 35:49 - An "open source search engine" where you can choose how you want your uncensored information delivered to you 36:38 - A Frequency Bill of Rights - You have the right to know what frequencies are affecting you - 5G, WiFi and more 37:47 - "Information is the real currency" - an alternative to be controlled by money, digital currencies, governments, cryptocurrencies and "universal income" 38:43 - How to take care of yourself in 2020 and beyond: free energy, open source 3D printers, food in a pill, the right to seeds 39:20 - Free energy + open source 3D printers = no more poverty (print what you need, do what you love instead of working for a digital database entry called "money") 41:31 - Information as currency eliminates issues with trust and fairness from "money" as a scarce organizational structure 43:05 - The Borg (Star Trek) vs. R2D2 (Star Wars) - You do not have to become a machine - open source robots (programmed 100% by you), vegan robots (human-friendly), 100% private 46:39 - The non-linear process of freedom, different opinions, and the hypocrisy in all of us 48:49 - How frequencies can affect our emotions, our lives, and the lives of others - frequency is everything 50:27 - The idea of "Decentralized Science" as presented by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai to free science from money as a controlling mechanism 50:43 - You have a Right to be Human as you are - a Bill of Rights for Humanity (you do not have to become a robot) 53:30 - Dr. Royal Rife's Rife Machine (USC grad in the 1930s),, Qi Gong hospitals in China (shut down in 2001 by government), energy medicine 57:49 - Trust is the most valuable currency in the world, creating your life artistically out of free will versus control using technology and information 59:25 - Considering 3rd and 4th options outside of the two options we are shown in any debate 1:00:15 - Putting up open source projects on (pending) and taking action to move forward with other options for freedom 1:02:04 - Open source water (ocean water => fresh water) 1:03:20 - Freedom, "Wag the Dog" the movie, using real events for "agendas", "bad things" can only help us no matter how hard they try to do the opposite, you don't have to be "controlled" to be more accepting of other people, races, countries and ideas 1:11:20 - Creating an environment with frequencies where harmony for humanity can "live" easily - The "Force" has awakened through you! 1:14:49 - Coming together off of Facebook, organizing efforts to present Doctors with alternative views, maintaining our freedom for our bodies, minds and spirit Our website: Our company store:
Apr 13, 2020
1 hr 16 min
The Spiritual Wisdom of Daddy Long Neck
We are creating our reality by focusing on a variety of possible solutions in a positive, humorous and satirical manner. Visit us @ Support us by shopping @
Mar 26, 2020
6 min
Coronavirus Party Alert: World Leaders Agree to Flu Parties Yearly, Shut Down World
We are creating our reality by focusing on a variety of possible solutions in a positive, humorous and satirical manner. Visit us @ Support us by shopping @
Mar 25, 2020
4 min
Survival Technology, a Blueprint for Life Beyond Money & Loving the Most Difficult Times
We are creating our reality by focusing on a variety of possible solutions in a positive, humorous and satirical manner. Visit us @ Support us by shopping @
Mar 25, 2020
36 min
Love Wins! Kanye West, President Trump, Kim Kardashian & Hillary Clinton
In this clip from our show 'Believe', we discuss "World News". Love Wins! Kanye West, President Trump, Kim Kardashian & Hillary Clinton Hosted by: Nicholas Upchurch Our website:
Apr 28, 2018
22 min
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