Belief To Knowing Podcast

Belief To Knowing

Karen Stewart
Testimony in the Lord to encouage when you are in uncertainty and fear. There is a building to a belief that then turns to a knowing. Come hear what is beyond where you are at.
Be watchful, don't fall in Trap's....
Matthew 16, a witness came today 2-2-2022 from this short chapter. "Who do you say I am? (Who do you say another is?) Be watchful of false words...Teaching...legalism...
Feb 2, 2022
14 min
God's Reset - "Turnarounds"
Read Joel, 1, 2, 3 The Locust have eaten, destroyed, stolen away...GOD RESTORES! PSALM 18, PSALM 64....All throughout His Word it shows us! Believe and speak it, grab hold of it! Be encouraged!
Jan 28, 2022
7 min
What's Catching your Attention these days?
Read: Joshua 24:15, " For every principal of God, there is a principality fighting to get our attention." It's very thought prevoking. Sit back see what is playing out in your life...
Jan 26, 2022
4 min
Conceptualize this...
Episode 2, new series set for 2022. Grace(favor) in the Holy Spirit. A message came during prayer when lifting up the concerns of this world. Spirit poured out because I've come to know Him and His Name and what knowing that name means to me; I talked with Him, He answered (Ps 91) He is the revelator to all reason and has the plan that will play out. Trust and believe, find refuge and rely on the one that can do all things! Conceptualize a greater prescene in your life...
Jan 23, 2022
41 min
Update:Complete Victory! 2022
Giving a brief update that we came through a year that was rough but the Lord showed us signs He was there as we stood with His word to have Victory. I encourage you this year to believe, pray, and act applying principles of the word and The Lord will see you through. Mark 11:23-24. My son is cancer free at the test Jan 11, 2022. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!
Jan 16, 2022
15 min
Tabernacles the Final Great Trumpet!
Grace and double portion to all the earth that looks to the Lord for the redemptive story of fulfillment will be done. It's in process as never before...we are weak but He is strong...grasp hold of the strength of the Lord. He gave His Holy Spirit to the 120 in the upper room the day of Pentecost...He has given His Spirit through these messages...all 120 episodes for an entire year. This is my last episode as coming through this dwelling place with the Lord's Spirit 🙏 there will be a revealing of what comes next. It is of no consequence that today of all the days in Tabernacles that this one, the 3rd day would call this to close #3=The Holy Spirit. God's order is present and in the midst of everything. He goes by the calendar He has plans within...and the days of darkness are coming to an end. The Spirit emphasized the this last of my podcasts would be done before or by the last day of this feast. I waited and watched for it to form. Be watchful and ready for His last Great Trumpet blow coming to us soon for the Lord is at hand in all that we see and hear. He wants your eyes of the Spirit open to receive at any moment. God Bless to all who have listened, it's not professionally done, for I am nobody and God uses imperfect people that have a heart for Him. ❤
Sep 22, 2021
23 min
Tabernacles Expectancy !
Dwell in the tent of the Most High! At times we can have a "cloudy" barrier; can't see as upon the Lord for His grace (favor) and double portion.
Sep 20, 2021
32 min
Part 3 A Prayer came forth...
In this day of Prayer & Repentance, a process in the continuum of this Earth towards completion, everything begins with prayer and ends in prayer. Build in us what you want, O' Lord!
Sep 15, 2021
31 min
Part 2 Isaiah 58
Continuing to the victory and Witness of Finality within us, how it displays, our choices can go before the Lord in this season and time He has given to all believers in His word to repent and lay it before the one who sees your heart ❤ Blessings and honor may it be upon you.
Sep 15, 2021
18 min
Yom Kippur: Numbers 17/ Isaiah 58
Murmuring, gossip, complaining, slander, words shot forth at others....against my ways says the Lord. What rod/staff do you bring into the tent of meeting before the ark of the Lord's testimony? Will it bloom and produce fruit? Choas, disorder about, tensions, distress or God's Gov't order with blessings?
Sep 15, 2021
29 min
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