Imagine developing your gifts to the point that you trust the guidance you receive. On this episode of Belief Busters, Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones chats with spirituality coach and consultant Melissa Kitto to talk about how we can trust our inner guidance and go directly to our guides. Melissa shares tools so that people can communicate directly with their angels and find their own answers. Melissa also teaches how to develop intuition and find your unique life purpose.
Sep 13, 2021
23 min

This episode of Belief Busters discusses shifting from the not-good-enough belief and soaring into greatness! Gail Hamilton is a powerful, inspirational, and entertaining speaker, author, performer, and facilitator who is blind. Her unstoppable soaring spirit has led her to publish her memoir, Soaring into Greatness: A Blind Woman’s Vision to Live her Dreams and Fly. Gail has experienced firsthand what it is like to cope with, and overcome, a disability; walk through societal, personal, and career discriminations; and endure mental and physical atrocities. Gail has learned that we must choose to align ourselves with our passions, focus our mind’s attitude on positivity, and take action allowing us to harness our adversities and break through our barriers, creating a life of greatness.
Aug 30, 2021
19 min

Let’s have a real discussion about what awakening means. Awakening is not a destination. Awakening is the spiritual journey. Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones discusses with Nate Rifkin how the daily practice of deep meditation as taught by Taoism supports us in awakening. Nate learned a little-known spiritual discipline that helped him transform his thoughts, emotions, and financial life. He’s published a book about his journey called The Standing Meditation.
Aug 16, 2021
34 min

Where do we get the belief that life is hard and you have to work yourself to the bone to have the American dream? It is reinforced in our society to work hard to be a success. The step toward wholeness can be a terrifying leap of faith, but also so rewarding. Move from external factors being the definition of who you are to no longer needing a job, raise, or partner to define your worthiness. Dmitria Burby joins Rev. Sheree to talk about the launch of her first book in the fall, which describes her healing journey as she moved from corporate executive and rediscovered and connected with her soul and spirit.
Jun 21, 2021
23 min

The Spirituality Talk Series features talks given by Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones on spiritual truths and practical ways of living those truths. In this talk, she discusses how to create unity. Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Each individual member of this community is welcomed, celebrated, embraced, and honored as necessary for the well-being of the whole. Her goal is to prepare a place for everyone at the table.
May 31, 2021
24 min

Awakening tip: Have an emotional reaction, become aware of it, sit with the emotion, and recognize where it resides within your body. Then become the observer of the thoughts that you are holding, which are creating the emotions and the world you reside in. The observer is the essence of who you are, and the observer is the awakened one. You are not your thoughts or emotions; you are so much more. Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones talks with Erin Mac about the road to awakening.
May 17, 2021
27 min

Who in your life has told you that you aren’t enough or that you can’t have it all? Are you tired of living a three-dimensional life when you really are a fourth- and fifth-dimensional being? Release those shackles that hold you from being the powerful person that you were always meant to be. Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones invites you to step into your truth today!
May 4, 2021
18 min

This special episode of Belief Busters allows us to honor our ancestors and ancestry. Using sacred medicine, we hold the experiences of our past traumas and see them for what they are: steps on our spiritual journey. We can choose to heal the traumas and honor the gifts we received from our ancestors. This is part one of two episodes. Rev. Sheree Taylor-Jones talks with Andrew Ecker, author of the The Sacred 7: A Path to Finding the Wholeness of Self-Identity.
Apr 19, 2021
23 min

Justin Faerman and Jackie Knechtel, the founding team of the Flow Consciousness Institute, share a simple technique with Rev. Sheree that can support your body, mind, and heart during the process of change. Once you use this technique, you will be hooked and become fearless in your spiritual and emotional intelligence work. Justin and Jackie are pioneers in the art and science of living in flow consciousness.
Apr 12, 2021
40 min

On this episode of Belief Busters, we look at beliefs around aging. My guest Rev. Dr. Charles Geddes shares with us his perspective about the hidden vitality in aging. He suggests that if you believe you are not vital by a certain age, then your body and life will reflect that belief. But if you let go of that erroneous belief, you get to decide if you want to have a better life or a bitter life!
Apr 5, 2021
23 min
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