These Are The Days
These Are The Days
Jeremy + Audrey Roloff
Ep 60: The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry with John Mark Comer
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Oct 22, 2019 at 3:00 am.
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Have you been loving our conversations around rest, living unhurried, and rhythms? Then you will love today's conversation! We've got our friend John Mark Comer back on the show to discuss his new book - The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.

There's an enemy to our overall health that’s already trojan horsed its​ way into our lives. It’s called HURRY – otherwise known as the pace in which we live our lives. And I think we can all admit that we need to find ways to slow down and find silence in our day-to-day.  

This is such a timely episode, so let’s get straight into it!

Here are all the things we mentioned in this episode: 

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