Behind The Panels - A Comic Book Show by Podcast
Behind The Panels - A Comic Book Show by
Richard Gray, David McVay & Dave Longo
via Podcasts
Behind the Panels: Cuts the Mustard & the Malarkey
I've listened to a bunch of comic book podcast and they usually suffer from poor quality, boring personalities, & crappy opinions. Sometimes they even go completely off topic & talk about nonsense that has nothing to do with comics. I started to think that comic book nerds just couldn't cut the mustard when it came to podcasting. That is until I listened to Behind the Panels. Behind the Panels cuts the mustard and cuts the malarkey. They actually focus on relevant comics and if they go off topic it's still entertaining. It's quickly become one of my favorite podcast. My favorite segment is "What We've Been Reading" where they talk about the current books released the week of the podcast, & they actually give detailed opinions explaining why they did or didn't like what they've read. Their personalities are charming and entertaining. Yes, they can make really corny jokes and break into gutbusting laughter over it, but the sincere fun that they're having, bleeds through and warms your heart... most of the time. If I had anything to suggest it might be to, every once in a while, review some classic comics from previous eras. It'd be interesting to hear what they had to say about comics dating back to the 30's all up to the 90's, even if they were to just poke fun at them. Can't wait for the next episode, guys!
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Puerto Rican Demon
Excellent Podcast
The host are very entertaining and they really know there stuff. Making the discussions they have very informative as well as fun. They also have a great sense of humor and never get to a point of being way too cynical in their discussions. Which is often a problem with other podcast on pop culture. Way too many of them try to be over the top cynical to the point of just coming off annoyingly arrogant. This show avoids all that. The fact that they are Australian is a bonus since it gives non-australians a peek inside the culture of Australia through comics. I highly recommend this for comic fans and non fans who are starting to have an interest in comics.
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Great Podcast
Thanks for the podcast. Your show has helped take the guess work out of what to read.
Great discussions for comic geeks
Refreshing listen for all fans of comics, or even those who are discovering super hero universes through the movies. Funny and not at all pretentious, with lots of good recommendations.
It's ok
It's an ok podcast. Good in bringing current news. One big thing that bugs me is they laugh to much at their own jokes and I mean to much!
Great Job
Quality finally meets quantity with this podcast. Thanks for a great start keep it up.
Great job
Linked here through your plugs on the Film Geek show, Love the show nice to hear some indepth discussions about comica and finding out about new comics. Keep up the good work.