BeerSecOps Podcast


Aqua Security
Stephen Giguere, a DevSecOps engineer at Aqua Security hosts conversations with cyber security influencers and front line DevOps warriors, to help provide us with a Cloud Native security blanket, for those who are entering the world of DevSecOps.
EP15: Cheryl Hung - The CNCF End User Community and Virtual KubeCon 2020
Cheryl Hung (@oicheryl) has recently been promoted to the CNCF's VP of Ecosystem after growing their end user community into the largest of of any open source foundation or standards body. In this episode she speaks to Steve Giguere (@_SteveGiguere_) about the creation of community, the results of her latest initiative in the space called the CNCF Technology Radar, and of course the upcoming Virtual KubeCon 2020. Learn more about Cheryl: The CNCF End User Community: KubeCon 2020:
Aug 11, 2020
35 min
EP14: The Evolution of CSPM with CloudSploit Founders Matthew Fuller and Josh Rosenthal
Public cloud misconfigurations have already led to some high profile data breaches. As complexity of cloud native increases, so do the hours dedicated creating and enforcing best practices across IaaS and SaaS providers. Matt Fuller (@matthewdfuller) and Josh Rosenthal got out in front of that curve early founding CloudSploit, a CSPM tool that automates the pain of cloud security posture management. Both founders spent time with Steve Giguere (@_SteveGiguere_) discussing the evolution of CloudSploit and the establishment of CSPM from both a technological and business perspective.
Aug 3, 2020
42 min
EP13: Security for Serverless Functions with Dean Bryen
Dean Bryen (@deanbryen) is a developer advocate working for Microsoft with a focus on serverless security. He is very active in the community in London having worked on the London 2012 Olympics, was part of the early serverless at AWS and is now talking to Steve (@_SteveGiguere_) bringing clarity to the definition of serverless itself as well as the new attack surface it brings.
Jul 6, 2020
34 min
EP12: Michael Hausenblas on Software Supply Chain Management (via GitOps)
In this episode, Michael @mhausenblas and Steve ( @_SteveGiguere_ of Aqua Security) talk specifically about Software Supply Chain Management. We dive into what that means (or at least should mean) to us, and how, via open source tooling and gitops, we can create a secure cloud native software supply chain.
Apr 27, 2020
32 min
EP11: Liz Rice - The Container Security Book
Liz Rice @lizrice, VP of Open Source Engineering at Aqua makes a second appearance on BeerSecOps with Steve Giguere @_SteveGiguere_of Aqua Security @aquasecteam to discuss her new book from O’Reilly, diving deep into Container Security.
Apr 6, 2020
35 min
EP10: Tanya Janca – AppSec Education
Steve Giguere @_SteveGiguere_ of Aqua Security @aquasecteam met with fellow Canadian and application security thought leader Tanya Janca @SheHacksPurple!  They talk about how the current global pandemic is affecting us and our industry, her career path into application security, past initiatives like Women in Security (WoSec) and SheHacksPurple, and finally her new passion in creating educational content for developers and tech enthusiasts on security.
Mar 29, 2020
1 hr 5 min
EP09: Gene Kim – The Unicorn Project
Steve Giguere @_SteveGiguere_ of Aqua Security met with Gene Kim @RealGeneKim to discuss his personal experiences surrounding the core tenets of his new book the "Unicorn Project", some of the difficulties as an author, and his experience with DevOps research. Gene Kim is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, researcher, and multiple award-winning CTO. He has been studying high-performing technology organizations since 1999 and was the founder and CTO of Tripwire for 13 years. He is the author of six books, The Unicorn Project (2019), and co-author of the Shingo Publication Award winning Accelerate (2018), The DevOps Handbook (2016), and The Phoenix Project (2013). Since 2014, he has been the founder and organizer of DevOps Enterprise Summit, studying the technology transformations of large, complex organizations. In 2007, ComputerWorld added Gene to the “40 Innovative IT People to Watch Under the Age of 40” list, and he was named a Computer Science Outstanding Alumnus by Purdue University for achievement and leadership in the profession.
Feb 19, 2020
57 min
EP08: Kelsey Hightower – The Future of Kubernetes
Kelsey Hightower describes himself as “a technologist attempting to keep things simple while learning in public.” Steve Giguere @_SteveGiguere_ of Aqua Security met with Kelsey @kelseyhightower to discuss Kelsey's holistic approach to the future of cloud native technology and security, and get a glimpse into his day-to-day activities beyond the cloud native space.
Jan 14, 2020
44 min
EP07: Adrian Goins, Rancher, Rio & Farming
Steve Giguere of Aqua Security met with Adrian Goins of Rancher. The two of them talk Adrian's experience with recording videos on tech subjects, a lifecycle overview of Rancher's open source project "Rio", K3s and more. Related Links: Rancher's Open Source Project "Rio" Git Follow Adrian Goins on Twitter Follow Adrian Goins on LinkedIn Watch Adrian's YouTube Videos
Dec 26, 2019
39 min
EP 06: Meet Elissa Shevinsky, Founder & CEO of Faster Than Light, Author of "Lean Out"
Steve Giguere of Aqua Security met up with Elissa Shevinsky, a tech enthusiast and author of the book "Lean Out" with a new startup called Faster Than Light. Learn about her startup Faster Than Light and immerse yourself in all things tech and cyber security. Related Links: Faster Than Light Read About Elissa's Book "Lean Out" Follow Elissa Shevinsky on Twitter Follow Elissa Shevinsky on LinkedIn
Dec 16, 2019
37 min
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