Because WCW
Because WCW
Liam Happe & Dean Ayass
044: Nitro Watchalong, episode 16
1 hour 1 minutes Posted Nov 15, 2019 at 5:22 am.
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The penultimate Nitro of 1995 brings us the infamous visual of Madusa returning to the company to dump the WWF Women's title into a handily-located bin, immediately infuriating Vince McMahon and others at the Federation who were aghast that someone would treat the title in such a horrific fashion. Y'know, besides the rest of the championship's entire existence.

This seminal angle does however overshadow another very easy to watch hour of television, capped by WCW Champion Randy Savage and The Giant's off-Broadway interpretation of 'David vs Goliath on several lines of cocaine' in the main event. And if you think that match was supercharged, check out Hulk Hogan's antics in a surreal overrun!