via Podcasts
Best Sci Coms on the Internet
Now that I am out of college but pre-grad school, I found it hard to keep up with the state of the field. I felt as if y’all were heaven sent when I stumbled upon your podcast. Y’all are amazing science communicators, give real times updates on the latest science, and are overall hilarious. Also y’all have awesome politics. It’s like can we be friends?? Anyway, I feel like I just learn so much from y’all as a budding linguist, educator, and science communicator myself. As I like to tell my students: Are you Mario when it comes to turts? Cuz you’re crushing it (perchance). Absolute 10/10 cannot recommend enough.
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Nati (nɑtɪ)
Off and on my favorite podcast
Because Language is the first podcast I ever fell in love with, and while others briefly supplant it as my favorite, I keep coming back to this gem. The balance of provocative commentary about linguistic attitudes juxtaposed with academic content is informative and entertaining. Daniel is an extremely skilled host, Hedvig’s take is intelligent and quirky, and Ben lends a comedic accessibility to the content which is marred only by how often he interrupts Hedvig 😒
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It's good!
Shed your pet peeves!
If you are weary of cringing at the inevitability of ever-evolving language, and if you want to cast off that over-worked nerve, this Podcast is for you. Daniel, Hedvig and Ben are delightful, amusing and erudite while they keep us up on the latest slang, the history of usage, and a host of scientific and social studies and issues around language usage. Daniel even provides a 3-step approach to accepting and embracing change in language, and I’m on step 2 for my own aversions (“different THAN-should be FROM and CONVERSATE…I’m working on it!). Every episode educates and entertains optimally. Keep up the great work!
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Undeniably Excellent; Undeniably Infuriating
I listen/have listened to seemingly all the linguistics podcasts and BL is top-tier. It features a truly wide variety of topics, a pleasing blend of the irreverent and the intellectual, and fascinating guests. That said, you will have to learn to live with one of the more frustrating trios of hosts out there: one is dependably excellent and obviously thinks about the audience, one is incredibly bright but often equally, painfully smug, and the last's sometimes affected brashness does little to conceal the brittle girders of his fragile ego.
But, truly, the excellence is more than worth learning to live with the bad, and I recommend it to anyone with an interest in language. linguistics, and words, just as I do to everyone else whose ear I can bend.
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This is my favourite podcast by far
The three co-hosts — two linguists, Daniel and Hedvig, and the far-from-everyman teacher, Ben — play off each other wonderfully, full of humor, self-deprecation and wild tangents. Through it all, you learn a lot about linguistics and how people communicate.
They are on just about every possibly social media and pay attention to all of them. I mostly interact on their discord channel, and it’s great to be able to ask questions, answer questions (!), or just have a random discussion.
The combination of the humour and learning works wonderfully and has helped to keep me sane.
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Elspeth Wiggins
Thought-provoking and fun!
I feel anyone can find something on each show to get excited about, almost like you want to participate in the conversations the hosts are having to ask more questions or give more examples! It’s the first podcast I’ve ever listened to and I’ve been following it for a few years. It’s so well researched and rich in content that I always have things I want to learn more about after I listen to an episode :) The hosts and guests are very funny too, so it’s a great combination!
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Christelle Liviero Aracena
Great listening.
I listen to many podcasts and this is one that keeps me laughing while at the same time engaging my mind.
A must listen
Linguists Daniel and Hedvig and teacher Ben do a great job of taking difficult or breaking linguistics work and put it into a fun and understandable format. Ben doesn't like words of the week, but they usually bring me joy. They cover a lot of stuff inside and outside of Australia. From discussions with Noongar speakers to word of the year conferences, you will always learn something new listening to these three (plus friends). Thank you for all the wonderful episodes ~Sandman
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I’m sorry
I couldn’t listen to more than 5 minutes when Kylie was talking. She just seems dumb and annoying, which annoys me bc it seems like she’s playing a stereotypical dumb woman.
Erudite educators entertain everyone enjoyably!
Hah! Alliteration!
I found this podcast back in like 2015 by searching "lingustics podcast". I've listened to every episode since, and binge-listened to the entire back catalog back. The only thing I don't like is that since they're all in Australia I can't regularly go get coffee with the hosts or something. They seem more like friends, really. Smart friends that know stuff and teach me things!
Every week is an enjoyable conversation that usually follows a set format. They start off discussing any news from the last week related to linguistics. Then they talk about the main theme of the week either with an interview, a panel discussion among the hosts, or my favorite--mailbag episodes! Then they have the word of the week, which Ben acts like he hates but it's secretly his favorite part of the show and he knows it.
I love that the show adheres to a descriptivist take on linguistics. If you want to learn how to police grammar better, go find your third grade English teacher because this show is all about fighting the language police. As a reformed prescriptivist myself, I appreciate this. Especially when they ways that language use and our policing of it is often a proxy for other social justice issues. So not only does it make me feel smarter, it makes me think about ways I can be a better person I might not have considered.
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Fun and informative
I enjoy hearing the linguistics discussions and news, and chemistry between Dan and Ben. I find Kylie pretty annoying and don’t know that she adds much
On the vanguard of the Linguistics Podcast Golden Age
There are several ingredients that a podcast needs to be successful:
* Great hosts
* Interesting topics
* Chemistry between the hosts
* A predictable cadence (I added that cause I'm anal 😜)
Talk the Talk has loads and loads of all four ingredients. Far from a sterile discussion of linguistic topics, they address the social aspects of language as well. Always upbeat, always interesting, always fun to listen to.
If you enjoy podcasts and language, this podcast is for you.
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Amazing linguistics podcast
This is an amazing linguistics podcast, I would recommend it to anyone interested in languages, or words and their intersection with culture, taboos, slang, accents, etc.
Keep up the great work!
Clog Your Brain with the Good Stuff
Daniel and Ben have exceptional chemistry; they play off each other well in pursuit of exploring language's maddening nuanances. After listening to (and loving) a few new episodes, over the winter break I've gone back and have binged the entire podcast from the first episode available. I'm on episode 209 and there's not a clunker in the bunch. What is sexier than open-minded people talking about issues that infuse our lives via the way we communicate. Highly recommended.
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Linguist Sammy
Five Stars
This is a fantastic podcast for lovers and learners of the English language. Thank you for editing out the songs. Doing so allows us to enjoy more of the smooth sounds of the participants' linguistic expertise.
Good find for those interested in language
I'm a foreign language teacher and spend a lot of time on public transport going from class to class. Listening to 'Talk the Talk' is a great way to spend some of that time. Daniel Midgley and the various radio hosts who accompany him provide funny, informative vignettes on a wide range of matters linguistic. I often wish the podcasts were longer!
Hugh Browder