Beau of The Fifth Column Podcast
Beau of The Fifth Column
Beau of The Fifth Column
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Sorry Belle. Try saying that essay again and replace ‘transwomen’ with “trans-identified men “ or “men claiming a female identity “. While you are indeed correct that the numbers of trans-identified men in women’s prisons isn’t huge, when you barely scratch the surface we’re talking about male rapists and pedophiles sharing intimate spaces with women, pregnant women and at some prisons, infants and toddlers. We’re also talking about (biological) women who are silenced when they complain about these conditions. I don’t pretend to think that the current president and his party care a hoot about women, in-prisoned women, or their kids. I’m just saying even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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Change the name
This isn’t the same show anymore. Bring back Beau!
Where is Beau?
Where is beau? Woman’s voice does not carry the authenticity that we love about the real beau. Come back Beau!
Beau is HIM
Beau tells the truth in a subtle, WELL RESEARCHED, but direct manner. He is progressive and he is from the DEEP SOUTH. Gets better every day. UPDATE: thanks for the memories, Beau-but I’m with Belle now!! It’s hard to believe Beau leaving could turn out better than it has. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sports pops
Common sense, prevails
Belle, I love your take on the channel and not just because I love a good plaid. Thank you for presenting information with wisdom, kindness and the family trademarked dry sense of humor!
Keeping me sane
Thank you - you are the only person keeping me grounded during this time. I am happy you have a supportive family and friends that love you enough to step in your shoes. I love Bell.
Give Beau a Listen/Watch!
Beau is my go-to guy to get information on a wide range of topics, including military intelligence (not always an oxymoron when he explains it!), foreign policy, and how to deal with someone with whom you disagree. He speaks calmly, explains things clearly, and is also has a lot of common-sense. He often takes questions from viewers. He doesn’t tell you for whom you should vote, but he does give advice on other topics. I first started following him on Instagram, and I now subscribe to his podcast AND his two YouTube channels.
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Deli Diva
At this point Beau’s apologetics for the current power structure give the accusations of a sweetheart deal for his human trafficking charge a lot of weight to me.
Incomparable insight
Deep and nuanced take on national and world events.
So refreshing, give it a try.
When something is factual, he explains where he gets his information, how it was checked and teaches how you can do it too. When he is expressing an opinion, he also tells you, so you don’t have to guess. It is so refreshing to listen to factual reporting. Beau thank you, I am a sharper tool since I started listening to you.
Factual reporting
One of the best podcasts for factual reporting.
Shadra McKenzie
Great, common sense analysis.
I love Beau. I usually prefer watching the YouTube videos (probably because that’s where I found him). As someone else said I’m so so glad the extremely irritating break unannounced in the middle for the Spotify ad has been moved to the start where it’s barely irritating at all. I still prefer the video though.
The ads are horrible
Love ya Beau but you really need to better place your Spotify ads. Currently it makes the episodes hard to listen to. Just a thought, keep up spreading the good word.
Tells it like it is.
Been listening to Beau for a long time and he tells it like it is, never known him to be wrong. The only thing that aggravates me is the ads that break in to the middle of a sentence. So disruptive to the thought process. Please Beau, if you have control over it, get that fixed, maybe put them at the front or somewhere where it would be a good break maybe between topics.
Molino Girl
Very intellectual
Dr Prof Topnotch
Love Beau
One of my favorite podcasts. Always make me think.. Daily listen!
Eco Cathy
Clear and concise
Great independent perspective with a humanitarian lean. This is a solid listen! You should check YouTube for his other content
If you really want to understand!
Thank you.
Great show, bad commercials
I was hoping to switch to the podcast format because listening on YouTube can lead me down the algorithm rabbit hole. Unfortunately, whatever service Beau uses apparently shoves commercials into the middle of sentences. It’s very jarring. Ideally, they’d be inserted right at the end (but they know we’d all skip them if that we’re the case). In short, can’t recommend the man’s content enough. He calmly addresses a range of issues in a nuanced manner. However, I’m going to stick to YouTube so I can listen without mid-sentence interruptions.
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Logan V.
Phenomenally thought provoking
I always look forward to the Beau of the Fifth updates - and he never fails to address both hot button issues and lesser known topics that may not be as well known, but are equally important - and I always find his insight fascinating. Thank you, Beau for the time and effort you put into each and every topic. It does not go unnoticed.
Yay, sound was fixed
Boo, there was a long poorly timed ad in the middle . . . Content, as always, is stellar. Thanks Beau
Love the content… hate the anchor ads
I love Beau’s content. The way he breaks things down and the topics he takes up are great. However the recent episodes have the most jarring ads for the podcast software he uses… the way it just cuts Beau off in mid-sentence to talk about the software is very annoying.
Quick Overviews, No Fluff.
There are a number of people like myself who are Life Long Republicans, but do not identify as Trump Republicans. Beau speaks to me as a moderate Democrat (it’s a complement) and folks like us are now identified as moderates too. There are several common points that we can all agree on, and that opens dialogue and hope for the nation as a whole. Keep up the good work!
Listen to Beau, Internet People!
Thoughtful didcussion on cuttent evente of note. Thenk uou., Beau'. Awesome !
What is a “Well organized militia?”
Just a question
New listener, old viewer.
I didn’t know ol’ Beau had a podcast, but that’s OK because I’ve been watching his videos for a while now. I call him the Renaissance Redneck, not as a put down but as an affectionate acknowledgment of his roots. “Renaissance” as in Renaissance Man, an intelligent, cultured individual with a wide range of interests in which he’s well versed. “Redneck” because that’s his origin. Also to acknowledge that he’s the anti-stereotype many have of the small town or rural Southern man being an uneducated, close-minded bigot. Beau is anything but. As long as he makes ‘em, I’ll watch or listen to ‘em.
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Beau is beautiful
One of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard. Thank you for the hard work you do educating us.
Hoboken Dave
I always listen
I love the way you boil events down to common sense and into small bites.
No Drop 7
This Guy is a Genius and
A workhorse! He outs out more content than anybody else I know. All of it is quality. Love his takes on current events. Smart, organized and informative.
Just what I was looking for
Long time Beau fan here. His sage and sober research has guided me through the last 3 years or so of current events. He has had early takes that stood the test of time and utilizes a very balanced perspective to help pull more people into a culture that can be resilient through the coming “crumbles”. I have been basically viewing [listening] the YouTube channel as a podcast and now I can just skip the middle man! The only downsides I see are that I won’t be helping push the algorithm and I’ll miss the shirts! Love the work my man. I appreciate that you started down this path and without hyperbole I think you have made the world a better place.
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Thank you
The world is crazy and just when you think you have a moment to breathe another damned thing happens. Kinda like raising multiple kids, you go go go and then they go quiet and you can take that moment then the thought comes across “waittttt it’s too quiet.” And then a crash and a cry happens leaving you wondering if pounding your head against concrete would save you from the headache that you are about about to experience. But you have been amazing, watching your videos throughout the Trump campaign has grounded me. My husband is no use he dislikes Trump but when the election was called he said “it’s 4 years how bad can it be?” And everyday something happens I get to be petty and say “how bad can it be? It’s only 4 years! That is what he said.” But back to the topic, thank you!
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Always interesting
I love to hear Beau’s thoughts
Great takes on the US & the world
Beau always has solid, in depth takes that challenge the common narratives and make me think. 10/10 would recommend.
He gets it.
What he says matters. It’s a long, hard road and Justin is doing the hard work of laying the critical foundation, reaching out day after day in a long term hearts and minds campaign. Already on board, I may not be the target audience but these short talks make my day and help sustain me in the dark times we’re going through. Thank you for fighting the good fight and taking the rest of us along with you. Please don’t quit.
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Chris in 29
Bumpy Road ahead indeed
Excellent job on the podcast of Trump, Cowboys and Rolling Stones!!
SAnnie 232
Best news source
Found you on fb, followed you everywhere else since. I wish you’d do some longer breakdowns tho! An hour long episode from time to time on whatever topic ❤️ please and thank you?
In Comes Weirdo
Instead of chasing the sensational, Beau brings our focus back to the significant things, the hidden cultural underpinnings, of recent events. All while standing in his work shed, wearing a ball cap and a weird tee shirt! Sometimes funny, sometimes deadly serious, always worth listening to.
Red Cell Confidential
To the point
Beau’s “just a thought” analyses of important issues are succinct, intelligent, and addictive. The only thing you miss from the videos is getting to see what tshirt he’s wearing.
A Voice Worth Hearing
Simple, succinct and well-informed analysis of some of today’s most important issues. No rhetorical blabber, name calling, or misinformation. Highly recommend.
This is my guy
The man of common sense!
Love this guy
Been watching the videos; now I can download and listen. A voice of reason in a barren desert of common sense.
A sensible podcast!
I’m a new listener and I just think it’s refreshing to hear the truth! I just hope the “politically illiterate” are listening in too! Thank you for speaking truth to power!
Bollywood Fanatic
Results of Impeachment Trial
Great stuff. Do you already have a couple recent episodes that help us understand why things are going down the way way they are? Re: acquittal and simimultaneous condemnation of former pres and hints at possible criminal trials. Is this passing the buck or a higher order of mind taking a role? Future repercussions for both sides. Scenarios?
hopingfor thebest
It’s crazy
It’s crazy how little we we find out we know until we stop and take a step back to really see.
So glad you consistently upload to Apple Podcasts. Keep up the good work!
5 stars!
I think a guy who tapes himself in his parents garage is not credible. He uses a fake name instead of his real one, Ju$tin K1ng, so people don’t know he was convicted of trafficking. I can find someone better. This guy is a fraud.
Thank you!!!!!
Great podcast.
This dude is very thoughtful, understanding and kind. He cares and it shows, his perspective is really interesting. Give it a listen.
Bite-sized logic bombs
Smart, logical, down to earth.
Madame Cleo
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