Welcome back to the Ballistic Health Podcast. Today we’re talking about some current events in the Keto and health world. Sit back and hear what our intrepid hosts have to share regarding Coke, Oprah, and Keto Krotch
Conversations Between Coca‐Cola and the CDC:
Nina Teicholz regarding Keto crotch media event(click on the tweet for more info):
How did 'keto crotch" get 28 media hits in 8d? Who planted the stories? @johnzahorik makes a case for "Info warfare:" paid journalists, paid tweets, paid experts. By PR firm w/ clients like Barilla Pasta, EATLancet who want #keto to go away. (FACT:no evidence for ketocrotch) https://t.co/vMGVgWBTgT
— Nina Teicholz (@bigfatsurprise) March 6, 2019
Fascinating Facts
Brian –
- Light can be slowed down, stopped, and restarted
Mandy –
Katydids sing and can you can derive the ambient temperature from the number of chirps in a specific amount of time.
Danny – The Brain
- Of the total blood and oxygen that our bodies take in the brain gets 20% of it.
- When the blood supply to the brain stops, it’s almost 8-10 seconds before the brain loses consciousness
- the blood vessels in the brain are nearly 100k miles in length
- There are 100 Billion neurons in the brain
This weeks Recipe: Chili BBQ Sauce
Motivation Monday
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny.
– C. S. Lewis
KetoCon 2019
You will not want to miss it! Get your tickets TODAY at KetoCon.org/shop
Don’t forget to check out Ballistic Keto MCT Oil Powder if you haven’t already.
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