Are you fed up? Are you stuck? Or are you trying to find out the next steps to take in your life?This was the position I found myself to be in a few years ago. My response was to take up the posture of a child by tapping into my curious and inquisitive nature. I wanted to seek and discover, to arrive at solutions, as opposed to staying depressed by accepting my situation as final. Someone reading this now is in that same position; and this episode was designed to encourage you by showing you that there is nothing wrong in asking questions. There is nothing wrong in wanting better for yourself. However I ended up making mistakes as I began the journey of seeking to discover solutions to my situation.This episode ultimately highlights why it is important for purpose to be at the foundation of your growth journey and why "WHY" is probably the most important question you can reflect on as you are trying to seek change. Everything happens for a reason and there are reasons behind our circumstances. I believe that there are lessons to be learnt for every circumstance. Ultimately your purpose might be on the other side of your circumstance and that was the case for me.Here are some points to reflect on as you listen to this episode:Am I living in purpose?Is my life centred around the validation of other people?Am I fulfilled?Why did I have to go through what I went through?Am I on the right path?You can meditate on these points or take them to God in prayer. SOCIAL MEDIA:https://www.instagram.com/sq1podcast/https://www.instagram.com/kjslive/
Jul 24, 2022
26 min

In this episode I break down how I came to the realisation that there was a calling upon my life. I understood this once I became sensitive to the voice of God. Understanding how God speaks was a process I had to go through in order to fully understand God's will. I listened to my intuition, I made new decisions, and I experienced the overwhelming intervention of the divine as I gradually began to build a relationship with God. Through this relationship I knew that I was called and I was being called for a very long time.A few years later I have an even deeper understanding but during that time I was called to endure my pain. Then I was called to learn from it; and now I am called to share as I continue to learn more about myself and my life experiences. Here are some questions for you to think about as you listen to this episode:Do I have a calling?Do I feel a strong inner impulse nudging me towards change?Do I leave a positive impact in the space I currently occupy?SOCIAL MEDIA:https://www.instagram.com/kjslive/https://www.instagram.com/sq1podcast/
Jul 16, 2022
34 min

In this episode I talk about how I neglected my physical health for many years until I hit rock bottom. I tell the story of what I experienced with my struggles with asthma and how my adversity ultimately strengthened my spirituality and my relationship with God. This episode highlights a period of my life where my physical and mental weakness gave birth to a new found spiritual strength. I cover three life changing things that were triggered by this one experience.Lifestyle Change - There is a direct correlation between your health and the way in which you live your life. Most illnesses are self-induced and this was definitely the case for me. I could no longer continue to live a life that does not prioritise my physical or mental health.Facing Grief - When we lose loved ones, we have the tendency to run away from the reality of it. I was guilty of masking the grief of losing my mother with so many distractions until I fell sick and had nowhere else to run or to hide. Finding Purpose - When all things failed I was forced to lean on my faith. Thats all I had. This led me to begin the journey of understanding my purpose and the calling over my life. Reflecting on the impactful life that my mother lived, inspired me to begin to follow in her footsteps. This is what gave birth to this podcast and the changes I am making in my life today.SOCIAL MEDIA:https://www.instagram.com/kjslive/https://www.instagram.com/sq1podcast/
Jul 8, 2022
31 min