B2B Sales & Entrepreneurship - Two Cents Worth Podcast
B2B Sales & Entrepreneurship - Two Cents Worth
AgencyFlare - James Harper
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#68 Discussing How The Sales Industry Can Create Opportunities For Everyone, Ft Leslie Venetz - episode of B2B Sales & Entrepreneurship - Two Cents Worth podcast

#68 Discussing How The Sales Industry Can Create Opportunities For Everyone, Ft Leslie Venetz

45 minutes Posted Mar 12, 2022 at 9:00 pm.
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Would you agree that sales is an honorable career? If so, you might also agree that the sales community can do a better job at providing new opportunities to women and non-white people who might not always get the same chances as others. I had the great privilege to speak with one of the biggest sales TikTok influencers in the game, Leslie Venetz. Although she's got a big following on TikTok, her message is so much more and one that needs to be heard by the entire sales industry.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • The advantages your company can have by elevating a woman into a sales leadership role! 
  • How the hiring process in sales is broken and excludes people in the process. 
  • How being a TikTok influencer can change your life, and what that really means. 

I highly recommend you connect with Leslie, as she puts out some of the best content out there. See below for how best to do that. 

Recently, TikTok and LinkedIn have been very kind to me. I'm committing to posting regular content on these platforms in 2022. Connect with me below. 

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