Supposedly, most of us get more right wing as we get older. Or is it just that the world moves around us? And if people do shift to the right, why is that worrying? The Azim Premji Philosophers, young and old, put their heads together to find out. With Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jul 6, 2021
20 min

Almost nothing we say is entirely precise. It's all a bit vague. So why do we spend so much time trying to pin down what other people say precisely? The philosophers of Azim Premji University get their heads together to find out. Also in this episode: how should you do the history of philosophy? Is being supertrue enough for being consistent? And is ambiguity beautiful or ugly? With Dr Patrick, Dr Kashyap, Nishok GU and Dr Chaturvedi. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jul 1, 2021
18 min

Scientist often disagree. Some say wine is good for you, others say it's bad. Some say milk causes cancer, some say it cures cancer. Should we just admit that science is more in the business of being bold than being right? Also in this episode: was Newton really wrong? the virtue of being bold, and much more. With Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 29, 2021
22 min

You can be very successful without going to college. But that doesn't mean you should drop out of college. Is education an investment that must pay off in wages? Is education too expensive? The philosophers of Azim Premji University discuss the purposes of education, and try their best to be impartial about it all. With Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 24, 2021
21 min

Some of us keep hoping even when things seem hopeless, even when we have every reason to think that things ARE hopeless. Is this folly or is it strength of character. Is it even possible? With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 22, 2021
28 min

In this episode, we discuss ‘Guesthouse for Young Widows’ and consider the case against empathy. Shouldn’t we spend our limited energy on fixing immediate problems rather than trying to empathise with people who commit atrocities? With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 17, 2021
21 min

In this episode, we chat about True History by the 2nd century Syrian writer, Lucian of Samosata. Along the way : moon people, parodies vs hoaxes, and three theories of humour. With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 15, 2021
24 min

If your favourite author turns out to be a bad person, should you stop reading them? Should the fact that Tolstoy was a terrible husband affect our reading him in any way? Does the character of the artist matter when we engage with their art works? Should some kinds of artists be morally perfect? With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 11, 2021
15 min

If the evidence suggests that your friend did something bad, should you give the evidence the same weight as you would if it were someone else, a stranger? Does friendship require epistemic partiality? Does this then mean that being a good friend requires being a less-than-good knower? With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 8, 2021
15 min

Can cricket be art? Do we speak literally when we say that football is beautiful? In this episode, we talk about ‘the beautiful game’ – and the beauty of games. Can sport be compared to theatre or dance? How can our existing aesthetic theories help us make sense of all this? With Azim Premji University philosophers Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick, Dr Chaturvedi and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Jun 3, 2021
19 min
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