Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast Podcast
Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast
Film Geek Radio
Episode #10: Make Your Own Kind of Music - episode of Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast podcast

Episode #10: Make Your Own Kind of Music

1 hour 3 minutes Posted Aug 29, 2013 at 6:32 am.
Intro and clip
General thoughts
Kenny Johnson tracks down Hannah
As bad as Season 6?
Big revelations about Vogel and the Brain Surgeon
Deb and Quinn
Darri Ingolfsson's performance and the most ridiculous crime scene ever
This season is frustrating
He wants to kill her? Wait...
Crazy theories
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Show notes
In this episode, Andrew and Charlie discuss whether "Make Your Own Kind of Music," the ninth episode of Dexter's final season, fixes some of its flaws. A lot of things are revealed, including the (supposedly) true identity of the Brain Surgeon and his relationship to Dr. Vogel. But is it satisfying? Is this really the whole story? And just what is Kenny Johnson doing here, anyway? Tune in to find out.
DON'T FORGET: You can contact the show by emailing [email protected]. Thanks for listening!