Show notes
Whose responsibility is it to ensure you work in an environment free of uncivil behaviors? Yours — and everyone with whom you work. We all play a crucial role. Get started helping to build and maintain a healthy workplace with these tips from civility expert Cynthia M. Clark, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Strategic Nursing Advisor.START A CONVERSATIONVisit ATI on Facebook, LinkedIn or the ATI blog to comment and share your thoughts.ATI Educator Facebook PageATI Educator LinkedIn PageATI blogDOWNLOAD FOR LATERNo time now? Click the download button at the bottom of this box to save and listen at your leisure.LIKE & SHARETell colleagues and friends about this podcast. Use the links at the bottom of this box.CONTACT USWebsite: www.atitesting.comEmail: [email protected]Phone: (800) 667-7531 READ THE FULL TRANSCRIPTGina Kellogg [Gina Kellogg [Cynthia Clark [Gina Kellogg [Cynthia Clark [Gina Kellogg [Cynthia Clark [Cynthia Clark [Cynthia Clark [Cynthia Clark [Cynthia Clark [Gina Kellogg [Cynthia Clark [Gina Kellogg [Cynthia Clark [Gina Kellogg [Gina Kellogg [In our next podcast, we're going to talk about some behaviors that many don't recognize as uncivil. In fact, you may exhibit them yourself. But, over time, they can have seriously negative impacts on your colleagues. So tune in for episode two and our civility series with Dr. Cynthia Clark. And until then you can discover more information from Dr. Clark on the API blog. Visit for articles video interviews and infographics on a variety of topics important to nurse educators like yourself. Thank you for listening.