Ask Altucher
Ask Altucher
James Altucher: Your daily dose of inspiration on how to Choose Yourself /
Ep 270: What Does James Want People to Say at His Funeral?
7 minutes Posted May 14, 2015 at 9:48 am.
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What does James want people to say at his funeral?
He could care less...
We all have two lists: your résumé list and your eulogy list.
No one is going to stand up at your funeral and read your résumé. Instead, they're more likely to stand up and talk about the impact you've had on others' lives.
Listen as James and Claudia talk about your impact.
Measure your impact and think about your eulogy.
"James Altucher, he chose himself." R.I.P.
David Newman
P.S. James says there are seven huge trends that will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else will give you a huge advantage in work, life, and investing.
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by James Altucher
Ep 215:
Today, we're going to introduce something new, Throwback Thursday. We have so many new listeners joining us every day and we have so much content in our archives that many of you may never have heard. So, we've decided to pull out an old favorite and highlight it on our new Throwback Thursday segment. This episode was published July 23, 2014 and we called it – . I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.