Ask Altucher
Ask Altucher
James Altucher: Your daily dose of inspiration on how to Choose Yourself /
Ep 238 How to Make Seven Figures Liquidating Failed Businesses
25 minutes Posted Mar 27, 2015 at 10:17 am.
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joins James today to explain how, by helping liquidate failed businesses, he's created a seven-figure income for himself.
Today they dig into some of the basic reasons why business fail and what they should be doing at the very beginning to help them succeed.
Steve explains the liquidation business to James. It's recently gone online, which makes it much easier to manage.
James is on a roll today as an atomic idea machine, tossing out some great business ideas to help Steve grow his business
 Hi, James here...
My new book is finally out! It has taken me a year to put together all the skills I think are needed to create abundance in this new economy. I hope you write me with feedback and questions.
Here's what the initial reviews on this book have said:
"James Altucher did it again. I just finished and have to say it was a great read. Great insight into the future of wealth."
"I couldn't wait for this book to come out. It was well worth the wait! Very short and jam-packed with good ideas and advice for the budding entrepreneur. A must read!"
"This is the road map out. Very specific ideas to get you unstuck and to thrive in the 21st century. If you follow the ideas in this book you will receive 1000% or more in return on your investment."
I'm really grateful for the response I've received so quickly. I feel we are quickly building a strong community of people who are deciding to "choose themselves."
If you want to get the book exclusively in hardcover, plus several other special reports and a subscription to my brand-new newsletter, which is the equivalent of two additional chapters every month, claim your copy here.