As Far As We Know Podcast
As Far As We Know
Brain+Trust Partners
Deepfakes, Misinformation and Business in 2020: Josh Ginsberg - episode of As Far As We Know podcast

Deepfakes, Misinformation and Business in 2020: Josh Ginsberg

31 minutes Posted Aug 29, 2019 at 11:00 pm.
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Fake news and misinformation are nothing new to business, and it seems every day there is a political headline that simply isn't true. The ubiquity of devices, internet access and media production software has created a new threat to business, perhaps to society: Deepfakes. In this episode, we are joined by Josh Ginsberg, CEO of Zignal Labs, to discuss how brands and politicians are held to different standards by the law, how the rising threat of deepfakes in the media poses challenges to everyone in business, and how to be prepared and ready to defend your brand from a deepfake attack.