ArmorUP for LIFE: Be your own HERO Podcast

ArmorUP for LIFE: Be your own HERO

Loriana Hernandez
Emmy award winning journalist, leukemia and breast cancer survivor, author, speaker and advocate talks about the power of PREhab. The 3Ps to meeting the medicine halfway. Prepare. Present. Prevail. Loriana will talked to medical experts on the 5 pillars of ArmorUP-diet, exercise, lifestyle, spiritual and financial fitness. And we will have real talk about fighting cancer... the untold stories.
Be your own HERO - Listening to the warning signs
My dear friend and former co-anchor Dave Froelich joins me today to discuss listening to the warning signs. He remembers the day we co-anchored a 5 1/2 hour morning news for Good Day while in excruciating pain.  I ignored every single warning sign. Weeks later I was diagnosed with AML Leukemia.  Today we talk about going beyond the mask, listening to what our body is telling us. 
Jul 13, 2020
39 min
Be Your Own HERO kickoff
Join me as I kick off Be Your Own HERO podcast. I’m a leukemia survivor, breast cancer warrior, an Emmy award winning journalist, speaker, author, patient advocate, wife and mom who wants to help you ArmorUP for LIFE through PREhabilitation. Im BOLD Transparent and honest in my effort to help you ArmorUP for LIFE, help healthcare move more patient centric, and be the voice of the patient as I push for a more whole patient approach.
Dec 30, 2019
8 min