I'm joined today by the one and only Alicia, a style expert and world class artist. Who also happens to double as my older sibling so we have plenty of experience talking to eachother by now. I this episode we go over how the inconveniences of dietary restrictions, experiences working in customer service, what is really being sponique, and so much more.
If you enjoy this episode and are excited to hear more, make sure to subscribe and rate the show. Social media is coming soon, but feel free to reach out to [email protected] for any inquiries you may have.
Thanks for checking this out I'm honored and I hope you enjoy the corner, I'm thinking about getting a new rug though.
Aug 13, 2023
54 min

I'm joined today by the extraordinary, magnificent, awe-inspiring, fantastic, the one, the only Josie. Who also happens to double as my manager and Irisish twin that I happened to meet on my 18th birthday and ever since then we have become the Jordan twins in honor of the great Leslie Jordan. I this episode we go over how I made Josie rerecord the first episode (since I didn't want to edit), public relationships with questionable timelines (a la Ariana Grande and Broadway's Spongebob), and so much more.
If you enjoy this episode and are excited to hear more, make sure to subscribe and rate the show. Social media is coming soon, but if feel free to reach out to [email protected] for any inquiries you may have.
Thanks for checking this out I'm honored and I hope you enjoy the corner I'm thinking about retiling though.
Jul 28, 2023
49 min

HI! and welcome to Ari's Corner, whether you are a friend of mine or just happened to stumble upon this show I'd like to say thanks for checking this out. I'm honored. this isn't my first foray in the podcast sphere, but this is an idea I'm very excited about working on.
the first episode is released on friday 7/28
for any inquiries feel free to reach me at:
[email protected]
Jul 27, 2023
1 min