Are You Real  | Finding Your Purpose
Are You Real | Finding Your Purpose
Jon B. Fuller
02: Leadership that Connects Authentically with Jody Holland
32 minutes Posted Jun 20, 2016 at 2:58 pm.
and living in God’s spirit of calmness and sanity. Which spirit are YOU living in today? A defining moment for Jody came in 2003 during his prayer time, but he was trapped in what was an unfulfilling profession for 12 more years before realizing his calling to write and speak. Of the Seven Cultural Mountains, Jody believes he is called to Art and Business. From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: “Every setback holds within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”  Jody tells the story of one particular failure, when he held training in Madrid for pharmaceutical researchers and couldn’t even communicate with them using his “Texas-brand Spanish.” Laugh along with us! Jody remembers a defining moment at age 4, when he first knew he wanted to talk in  front of people for a living. After leaving the technology world, Jody finally claimed his calling to write books, speak, and train others. How many people NEVER claim their calling? Let’s Get Real Round Questions: What is your biggest strength? “Being able to see wisdom beyond just the realm of the physical world, and to put it on paper.” What is your biggest weakness inside that strength? “Missing the rest of the world when getting into writing. I need to have a balance.” Kung Fu Round Questions: How do you share the gospel in your daily life? “I try to live as an example of the behavior with which Jesus lived. I teach those leadership examples and then people ask me about something deeper. This opens the door for me to share the gospel.” What is a daily habit that contributes to your walk with God? “It’s my prayer life. I’ve learned to be quiet and still and to get in tune with Christ.” What is a recent helpful book that you’ve read? “I love anything by Max Lucado. Two that come to mind are Cure for the Common Life and Wild at Heart.” What is a resource that you can recommend to our listeners? “I love  and Automobile University. I also recommend my blog,  What advice would you give to the “younger” you? “I would speak to myself on the first day of 8th grade, when I was SO concerned about what people thought of me. “Be confident in you. Find out as soon as you can WHO you were designed to be, and STOP caring what other people think of you.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Each of us was designed for greatness. We weren’t designed to be miserable. Claim the connection to God that you were created to have. The only definition of you that really matters is that you are a child of God. Everything else is secondary.” Resources: Email: (Find Jody’s books!) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado Wild at Heart by Max Lucado
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Jody Holland received his B.A. in Communications from Angelo State University in 1994. He has received specialized training and certifications in physiognomy, conversational hypnosis, team-building, leadership, management, and psychometric testing. Jody’s clients would say that his capacity for creating ROI is what they appreciate the most. He normally gets between a 10X and 25X return on their investment. He has been sought after by clients to speak at their retreats, to assist in changing behaviors in top executives as well as coaching C-Suite leaders for success.   What you’ll hear in this episode: Jody has worked with all kinds of people, from ex-convicts to Boy Scouts! How Jody discovered that the same principles that define great leaders also define great Christians Three of Jody’s favorite books he has written are: The Quest: How to Discover God’s Call for Your Life, The Six Demons of Fear, and My Judo Life: How to Turn the Challenges of Life in Your Favor and Propel Yourself Forward. Jody claims daily inspiration from II Timothy 1:7 and living in God’s spirit of calmness and sanity. Which spirit are YOU living in today? A defining moment for Jody came in 2003 during his prayer time, but he was trapped in what was an unfulfilling profession for 12 more years before realizing his calling to write and speak. Of the Seven Cultural Mountains, Jody believes he is called to Art and Business. From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: “Every setback holds within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”  Jody tells the story of one particular failure, when he held training in Madrid for pharmaceutical researchers and couldn’t even communicate with them using his “Texas-brand Spanish.” Laugh along with us! Jody remembers a defining moment at age 4, when he first knew he wanted to talk in  front of people for a living. After leaving the technology world, Jody finally claimed his calling to write books, speak, and train others. How many people NEVER claim their calling? Let’s Get Real Round Questions: What is your biggest strength? “Being able to see wisdom beyond just the realm of the physical world, and to put it on paper.” What is your biggest weakness inside that strength? “Missing the rest of the world when getting into writing. I need to have a balance.” Kung Fu Round Questions: How do you share the gospel in your daily life? “I try to live as an example of the behavior with which Jesus lived. I teach those leadership examples and then people ask me about something deeper. This opens the door for me to share the gospel.” What is a daily habit that contributes to your walk with God? “It’s my prayer life. I’ve learned to be quiet and still and to get in tune with Christ.” What is a recent helpful book that you’ve read? “I love anything by Max Lucado. Two that come to mind are Cure for the Common Life and Wild at Heart.” What is a resource that you can recommend to our listeners? “I love  and Automobile University. I also recommend my blog,  What advice would you give to the “younger” you? “I would speak to myself on the first day of 8th grade, when I was SO concerned about what people thought of me. “Be confident in you. Find out as soon as you can WHO you were designed to be, and STOP caring what other people think of you.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Each of us was designed for greatness. We weren’t designed to be miserable. Claim the connection to God that you were created to have. The only definition of you that really matters is that you are a child of God. Everything else is secondary.” Resources: Email: (Find Jody’s books!) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado Wild at Heart by Max Lucado