This episode chronicles events during the Obama administration. It includes the Great Recession, the various domestic programs employed to get the U.S. out of the recession, DACA, The Affordable Care Act, various credit and banking reforms, and efforts to mitigate the deficit and debt. Foreign policy includes relations with Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, etc.
Oct 3, 2018
34 min

What are a woman's rights when it comes to her body - in this case abortion. As controversial case as any - the Supreme court must decide if the 14th Amendment's Due Process clause extends to a woman's right to have an abortion. The decision favored Roe in this landmark case. With the ruling the controversy did not die. Some states continue to reexamine the decision and seek greater restrictions on abortion.
Jan 11, 2018
2 min

This first amendment case deals with the ability of the Federal government to restrain the press from printing information that the government deems damaging. In this case Daniel Ellsberg is providing research to the New York Times and the Washington Post about lies, incompetence, and the Vietnam war. The articles in both the Times and the Post, show that the US government lied to the American people about the conduct and status of the Vietnam War. The Nixon administration tried to sto...
Jan 11, 2018
3 min

The classic First Amendment case. Do students surrender their right of free speech and expression when they enter the school building? The 7-2 decision will affirm that freedom of expression is protected under the First Amendment, and it extends to students in public schools.
Dec 30, 2017
3 min

The rights of the accused are clarified and become part of regular police procedure.
Dec 18, 2017
5 min

This is the landmark case that decides the rights of the accused. Miranda confessed - doesn't that make him guilty? One would think - but what if the proper procedure wasn't followed? What if he didn't know he had the right to remain silent? That is the focus of this very important case. A 5-4 decision for Miranda adds to the controversy.
Dec 18, 2017
5 min

This cases deals with the Establishment Clause of religion as outlined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Can the government mandate a voluntary prayer in schools?
While seemingly obvious - the Supreme court decided that the "voluntary prayer" violated the First Amendment. 6-1 decision
Dec 18, 2017
2 min
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