Antique Auction Forum
Antique Auction Forum
Martin Willis
186. Jim “Griff” Griffith, eBay Today
55 minutes Posted Apr 23, 2018 at 2:46 pm.
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A delightful conversation with Jim “Griff'” Griffith on eBay today, trends, added enhancements and the changes that social media bring to the platform. Starting with one person in a condo in 1995, growing to a global market of buyers and sellers worldwide with over 1 billion items offered at any given time.

eBay’s Dean of Education, Griff is an eBay seller coach, instructor, mentor and advocate with the eBay North America Marketplaces Team. In addition, he’s the author of The Official eBay Bible, the authoritative eBay guide for the beginning bidder, seller, and professional entrepreneur as well as host of eBay Radio. For more information, join our eBay Radio Group: