Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
#192: How to Plan Your Running Race Calendar
52 minutes Posted Jan 7, 2016 at 9:00 pm.
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Sarah is joined by co-host Coach Christine Hinton to chat about planning a running race calendar for 2016. Coach Christine talks about the logic behind choosing one or two goal races for the year, and why you should consider the larger picture of your life (work, family, travel, all that good stuff!) when mapping out your goals. Before they dive into the main topic, Coach Christine shares some success stories, including how one mother runner overcame her long-time anxiety about tempo runs. The coach offers assurance that “bad races happen,” and how to recover and learn from them. Christine also helps Sarah see the logic in using a race as, “an assisted long run.” (Clever woman, that Coach Christine!) She describes how to approach a “tune-up” race, and lays out a strategy for them. Sarah suspects you might find a new running mantra—“Be smart, not stubborn.” —listening to this episode.

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