Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
#189: Hints for Healthy Holiday Eating
52 minutes Posted Dec 10, 2015 at 9:00 pm.
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Dimity and Sarah welcome Janet Helm, a registered dietician in Chicago, on the show. The author of The Food Lover’s Healthy Habits Cookbook: Great Food & Expert Advice that Will Change Your Lifeand a mom of twins, Janet blasts away nutrition myths and misinformation and gives heaping helpings of holiday eating advice. Find out what triggers overeating—and how to move on—and why you need to give up the idea of perfection. (Both in your eating and your exercise!) Be prepared to drool in the final third of the show, when talk turns to examples of how taste and health can co-exist. The mother runners suspect you’ll buy a head of cauliflower within a day of listening to this episode—but probably not a Fathead!

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