Angel Talk Cafe with Joy
Angel Talk Cafe with Joy
Angel Talk Cafe
"As Always, Ask Your Angels"
1 hour Posted Jan 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm.
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“As Always, Ask Your Angels”
Joy and Dan are back!  Joy’s motto is “As Always, Ask Your Angels”.  Joy and Dan will share tips on getting assistance from the Angelic Realm.  Joy and Dan will share their unique experiences with the Angels. 
If you are seeking a healing, prosperity and abundance, your life purpose, or a career change, whatever you desire the Angels are here to help you. 
What messages do the Angels have for you in 2016?  Joy will offer Angel Readings!
Joy Barker is a Psychic-Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Certified Angel Intuitive (Trained By Doreen Virtue).  With humor, compassion and deep love, she has supported thousands of people in finding peace from within for many, many years. For more info, please visit: “As Always, Ask Your Angels”
Joy and Dan are back!  Joy’s motto is “As Always, Ask Your Angels”.  Joy and Dan will share tips on getting assistance from the Angelic Realm.  Joy and Dan will share their unique experiences with the Angels. 
If you are seeking a healing, prosperity and abundance, your life purpose, or a career change, whatever you desire the Angels are here to help you. 
What messages do the Angels have for you in 2016?  Joy will offer Angel Readings!
Joy Barker is a Psychic-Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Certified Angel Intuitive (Trained By Doreen Virtue).  With humor, compassion and deep love, she has supported thousands of people in finding peace from within for many, many years. For more info, please visit: