Anchored By Faith Podcast

Anchored By Faith

Just two friends studying scripture together for the purpose of looking at it to help conform ourselves and others towards the Image of Christ. We not only want to look at the verses by itself, but look towards its context in the bigger picture of Scripture and how scripture helps to anchor us in Christ. Do not worry we might get into things from theology, how our days are going, or things that are going on in our lives. We don‘t claim to be biblical scholars, we just want to study scripture and have a devotional podcast for people to help get in the word.
Long Time No See Lamentations
Hey guys sorry for the long break in between series. Holiday's, finals, and being sick have made it hard for us to get together to podcast, but today we get started on lamentations. We look at some of the background information and get into chapter one. Thanks for being patient with us and hope you all are encouraged by the episode.   License code: IYDBYZPZLRASROL2    
Dec 30, 2021
1 hr 11 min
Perseverance of the Saints and Sanctification
Welcome to the end of our first series on the aspects of Calvinism as we went through the acrostic of T.U.L.I.P. We went back through and summarized what each of the last four episodes meant in the acronym and then we went into perseverance of the saints. We have had lots of fun going through this series and of course we gave some verses for and against Perseverance of the Saints. We also touched on sanctification and our next series is going to be going through the book of Lamentations.   License code: 6ZAHJORZV8Z0POZQ
Dec 2, 2021
1 hr 20 min
Late Nights and Irresistible Grace
Thanks for being patient with us during the holidays, here is our episode on Irresistible grace. This episode didn't end up being as long as we thought after editing, but it was a late Friday night and we had fun making the episode. Hope you all enjoy as we take time going through some verses for irresistible grace and some of the main verses that people use. Hope you all have safe travels home this weekend and that you had a good thanksgiving. God bless License code: JO82ANXBCZKKKVBG  
Nov 27, 2021
1 hr 35 min
Life, the Gospel, and Limited Atonement
We talk about how life is going and how hunting went this weekend. Which turns into conversation about what is the Good news of Jesus Christ. Then we continue in our series of T.U.L.I.P with covering the L, which is Limited Atonement, in what is reformed theology.      License code: O2YRCICVNNM25IQ0
Nov 18, 2021
1 hr 23 min
Election, Evangelism, and rabbit trails
Welcome to episode three where we continue into the journey of T.U.L.I.P by looking at the U which is unconditional election. We've made it this far so our wives haven't killed us for how long this episode went, but if you talk about election it is definitely something that we need to go in depth with for sure. Plus we talked about some things that are miss characterized that people think come to evangelism if one believes in election. Thanks again for listening and we are excited to hear your feed back.  God Bless   License code: 6N6DOGYVWPNFCVSU
Nov 9, 2021
1 hr 25 min
Jumping into Total Depravity
Episode two is finally here guys. I hope you are just as excited as we are, even if it does talk about our sinful nature. I think it is definitely something we need to understand before we move unto understanding God's grace and mercy. Hope you guys enjoy this and God bless.   License code: 2UKROXVTODGZT3OG
Nov 3, 2021
54 min
Introduction to the podcast
An introduction to the podcast hosts and what the podcast aims to do. Logan definitely needs to work on his microphone skills, but we are excited that its our first episode. We also are going to list the topics we will do in upcoming shows. Thanks again for listening, stay tuned, and leave us a review     The license code from Uppbeat for the intro and outro song is: 5VXFVIINAD2OMKFG
Oct 28, 2021
32 min