Amor Con Buddha's Decks On Podcast

Amor Con Buddha's Decks On

Claudia & Miledys
When it comes to relating to the public these two spiritual melanated latinx goddesses have exceeded their share for the last 35 years. From being raised in the boogie down Bronx visiting the local botanicas, to geriatric social workers for homebound seniors. Through a spiritual calling they have joined forces to explore and break down the wonders of Tarot and its meanings through the assistance of Mother, Father, God, Universe.
EP22 - The World
All good things come to an end, and the ending is just the beginning for something new, come celebrate the end of a journey in this soulful edition of Decks On! Our journey of the Tarot one deck at a time, and we've come to the final card of the Major Arcana, which is the World!We're here for a good time, not a long time...and we shall be back with Season 3 very soon. Keep up with us on Instagram! Feel free to Buy us a Coffee, to support our podcast!If you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your World card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram We love you!Peace. 
Jun 30, 2021
16 min
EP20 - The Sun
This episode is nice and light, with some skincare tips and how to honor our greatest star, and also this beautiful moment that is the Sun card of the Major Arcana.Decks On is where we traverse through the tarot one card at a time, bringing in our joy, knowledge, and songs to share our findings and information.  Decks discussed: Osho Zen, If you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your Sun card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Jun 16, 2021
12 min
EP21 - Judgement
We are continually learning and growing, and in this episode we are getting deep about the judgement card and what it means when you are at the end of a road. Judgement means something different to everyone, and as you'll see in this episode, we both have different ways of looking at the same card. There's a lot of laugh, because we as light-beings take everything in a loving thread. Enjoy listening to our breakdowns, and come hang with us on IG .Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotIf you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your Judgement card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Jun 16, 2021
14 min
EP19- The Moon
The moon is a tricky subject due to its many theories, misconception and overall connection to astronomy. For us in the tarot world it is connected to our emotions, duality and a form of observing our interaction with our surrounding.Listen in as Miledys creates a "New Word" she was speaking too fast again. Claudia also shares a discovery when it comes to astrology and the Moon card in Tarot. As we dive deep into each deck we can always find a different meaning as the illustrators and authors share their version of the Moon card to its audience.   Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana Tarot, True Love Tarot If you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your The Moon card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Jun 8, 2021
16 min
15 - The Temperance
How do you feel about slowing down? This is what The Temperance card brings to us connecting to our emotions in a calm and changing way.In this episode Claudia and Miledys share how this card really does not excite them due to its water aspects. Nonetheless it does bring those who receive this card in a reading a since that all will be well when the circumstances are viewed from a balanced point of view. As we follow the story of the Major Arcana we continue to connect each card leaving the death card from the las episode really takes integration to the next level.  Decks discussed: Osho Zen, In between Tarot , True Love Tarot, Revelation Tarot  If you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your The Temperance  card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Jun 8, 2021
11 min
18 - The Star
Here we are with another epic tarot episode for you as we tap into The Star Card.Things begins to clear up as The Star card shows us how to stop and reflect on life. What has transpire? Bringing in a balance as we allow ourselves to be lead by our hearts desire. The Star card reminds us to stay grounded as we make decisions, having faith tat all will turn as it is meant to unfold. Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotIf you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your Death card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
May 8, 2021
16 min
17 - The Tower
Get ready to let it all crumble to bring in that new beginning with The Tower card.Last two episodes got really heavy for us here on "Decks On" as we dove deep into the parts of a humans life that keep us from moving forward as we shifted through what no longer serves us. In this episode we shed some light on what it means to hold on, stay and defend painful situations in life that end up becoming your greatest lessons. Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotIf you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your Death card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
May 8, 2021
16 min
13 - The Hanged Man
What up? What's popping Love Beings?? We start off lightening a not so light card, as we explore the intricacies of this card. Come laugh with us, and see the different interpretations of the 13th card in the Major Arcana.Also we discuss a bit about how we work with different decks, since we love the variety of expressions that different Tarot offer.Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotIf you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot CourseShow us what your Hanged man looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Apr 21, 2021
14 min
14 -The Death Card
What up? What's popping Love Beings??Started off with a light tune, but we got really deep because this card is what it is. It represents so much, as you see we both have our ways to interpret these.Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotIf you want  more about tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot Course.Show us what your Death card looks like, (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on Instagram 
Apr 21, 2021
17 min
12 - The Justice
This talk puts us in a space of bringing balance as the Justice card When it comes to this card we have to pay attention to what is about to be served. We will experiences equality. One way or another the we are being given what we deserve. It is obvious that this card is connected to court, contracts, commitment or any legal matters. The Justice card is not one to play with when it is presented to us in a spread. Do you have any story when this card showed up in a reading?   Get deeper into tarot, come learn with us!Check out our website for more information on our Awaken Intuition Tarot and Intuitive course.Decks discussed: Osho Zen, Africana TarotShare your Wheel of Fortune with us , (IRL or your Tarot), by tagging us on InstagramKeep in touch via IG or Facebook!
Apr 7, 2021
11 min
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