In this episode we are concluding the Saratoga campaign with Burgoyne's retreat and surrender. This victory will fundamentally change the outlook of the war in several ways.
Aug 22, 2020
37 min

We are back talking about Burgoyne and his army. After the bloody battle he had with the Americans on September 19th Burgoyne is planning his next move. After lingering for a couple of weeks the British stumble into another battle with the Americans.
Jul 30, 2020
31 min

I just wanted to take a few minutes to to let you know about a plan for some future episodes after we finish the Saratoga campaign.
Jul 5, 2020
6 min

In this episode we talk about the forts Montgomery and Clinton and the 3 Clinton's that will do battle there. Yes I said three, though a footnote to the Saratoga Campaign it is important to mention the events that will take place in the Hudson Highlands.
Jul 5, 2020
25 min

Burgoyne begins moving his army from Fort Miller, he has to find the best way to by pass the American army or overtake them. Gates and the Continentals are ready if the British come they will make them pay for it.
Jun 25, 2020
30 min

Not that we have finally gotten to through all of the other side stories. We will begin looking at the armies on either side are fairing
May 26, 2020
19 min

In this episode we are looking at two events that act as a catalyst for the coming battle of Saratoga.
May 26, 2020
26 min

In this episode we will conclude the discussion about what is going on in the Mohawk Valley. We are looking at the siege of Fort Stanwix and how this will be a key moment in the war in the north.
Apr 27, 2020
31 min

Returning after a long hiatus we are picking up where we left off. I review the start of the mohawk expedition to set the stage for the Battle of Oriskany. A relief force of local patriots coming to the aid of the Fort Stanwix will face off with Tories and their Indians allies in one of the bloodier battles of the Frontier.
Apr 14, 2020
34 min

We are shifting our focus from Burgoyne's Army to the expeditionary force under Colonel Barry St. Ledger. The plan was for them to move down the valley along the Mohawk River and meet up with Burgoyne at Albany. First however St. Ledger would have to take Fort Stanwix.
Aug 8, 2019
18 min
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