American Indian Advocacy:  Strengthening Tribal Soverignty Podcast

American Indian Advocacy: Strengthening Tribal Soverignty

Kevin Allis, Thunderbird Strategic LLC
The strength of Tribal Sovereignty not only rests with Tribal leaders and their communities, it's also dependent on its recognition by our Nation's leaders. Tribal sovereignty is expressly recognized in the United States Constitution, and American Indian Advocacy holds this Nation and its leaders accountable for honoring this sovereignty, as well as the treaty and trust responsibilities owed to Indian Country. This podcast series will speak to the importance of this advocacy, alongside current events occurring in Washington DC that impact Indian Country.
Voting Rights Series:  A Vote at the Ballot Box:  Challenges Faced by the American Indian in Elections
Historically the American Indian has faced many hurdles and challenges when it comes to accessing the ballot box. This podcast series explores the problems that lack of access presents, and solutions that make voting more accessible in Indian Country. This second broadcast covering the topic of voting rights in Indian Country features Chuck Hoskin, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and a national leader on Indigenous Rights.
Sep 23, 2021
20 min
A Voice at the Ballot Box:  A Broken System Leaves the American Indian without a Strong Voice in Elections
Getting out the Native vote is essential to building and strengthening Tribal Sovereignty. The American Indian voter has been, and is still, subjected to hurdles not faced by other voters. This episode explores the problems with the current voting infrastructure, and speaks to what needs to change... thus allowing the American Indian equal and fair access to a voice in elections.
Sep 14, 2021
24 min
Breadth & Scope of Tribal Sovereignty in the Balance:  Supreme Court Case: US v. Cooley
How far does tribal sovereignty extend when it comes to law enforcement, the identification of crimes, protection of the community, and integrity of tribal governance.  The facts of the case now before the Supreme Court in US v. Cooley exposes the Court to a complicated and confusing web of federal law and case law when in comes to inherent sovereign powers.  The episode speaks to this complicated legal backdrop in the context of a Tribe's ability to exercise sovereign authority.
Apr 5, 2021
43 min
Pandemic Relief for Indian Country, Consultation, and Key Tribal Policy Priorities in the 117th Congress
As Congress begins its work, what's in it for Indian Country? Pandemic Relief has been leading congressional activity in 2021... so what does Congress have in store for Tribal communities? The new Administration has promised better relations with Indian Country, and evidence emerges showing that to be true. And finally, what should the 117th Congress be looking to address, which meets the needs of Indian Country? This episode touches on all these important topics.
Mar 1, 2021
48 min
Access to the Ballot Box:  State Legislative Activity that Should Concern Indian Country
Native American communities around the country find themselves in precarious positions when it comes to the ability to cast a vote in elections. It is well documented that in the past unreasonable residency and ID requirements have prevented more than 1 million eligible Native American voters from registering and casting a ballot. As states rollout legislative proposals impacting access to the ballot box, in large measure due to the false claims of voter fraud, Tribal Nations need to pay attention.
Feb 16, 2021
33 min
The Biden-Harris Administration & Indian Country:  What Should We Expect?
With the new incoming Administration, there is new hope that Indian Country needs will be properly addressed. The new Administration has pledged a commitment to Indian Country, and knowing and understanding the pledges is important to Tribal leaders and advocates as this Administration's agenda rolls out. It will be important to hold the Administration to its promises, and in doing so, Tribal sovereignty will be strengthened. This episode will summarize the Biden-Harris Administration promises to Indian County.
Feb 1, 2021
37 min
Wounded Knee:  Unheard Voices that Led to a Massacre
In order to effectuate meaningful and lasting change, voices of concern must be heard. For the American Indian, all too often, tribal issues and concerns have been an afterthought. This country needs to honor its treaty and trust responsibilities to Tribal Nations, and American Indian advocacy must play the role of ensuring voices are heard, and holding the United States accountable for its obligations to Indian Country... and when it fails to do so, disastrous things can occur to indigenous communities.
Jan 21, 2021
26 min