American Field Trip: A National Parks Podcast Podcast

American Field Trip: A National Parks Podcast

American Field Trip
We’ve visited every National Park in the U.S. and we want to help you fall in love with the parks the way we have! Completely new to the national parks? That was us 6 years ago! Not big on camping and hiking? We get that. Been to national parks before but your experience wasn’t all that great? We think we can help! Tune in if you want to make the National Parks an inspiring, awe-inducing, family-bonding, wonder-enhancing part of your life. We want to give you all the tools we’ve learned to make the parks more approachable, accessible and fun for you and your family.
6. Overhyped? or hyped just right? The 10 Most Visited National Parks of 2022
In which David and Madi dive deep into the 10 most visited national parks of 2022! We’re talking all about why these 10 are so popular, where all those visitors are coming from and what they’re coming for, whether these parks are worth the hype, and how you can plan and execute an enjoyable visit—even with the crowds.
Sep 18, 2023
1 hr 2 min
5. Hidden Gems or Just Hidden? — The 10 Least Visited National Parks of 2022
Ever wondered what the least visited National Parks are? Wonder no more! Listen to learn about why some of these parks see so few visitors and why you might—or might not—want to plan a visit.
Sep 11, 2023
55 min
2. National Park Trip Planning Hacks
Planning a National Park visit? These are the best planning tips and tricks we’ve gleaned after visits to more than 200 national park sites! We geared this episode toward national park newbies—if you want to be a parks person but aren’t sure where to start, or if you’ve visited parks before but haven’t quite had *the best* time, this episode is for you.
Apr 24, 2023
25 min
1. Five Things We Do In Every National Park.
In the first episode of our brand-spanking-new podcast (!), we talk about the five things we do at every national park in order to truly enjoy and make the most of our time there. After visiting all 63 U.S. national parks and over 200 sites run by the National Park Service, these are the things that help us feel connected to each park, learn and explore as much as we can during always-shorter-than-we-wished trips, and give us a framework for […]
Apr 23, 2023
17 min