Am I A Psychic Medium? Podcast

Am I A Psychic Medium?

Te Amo Aaron
I started reading books all about spirituality, manifestation, life purpose, and intuition in fall 2019. All of a sudden, in early January 2023, I began having psychic impressions, had a kundalini awakening, and realized I had been a medium for a long while and didn't even know it. I was never intuitive as a child, so stepping into this world in my 30s is wild. This podcast seeks to share what it feels like to step into this natural, innate ability of mediumship that we all have. It is not at all what you might think. I also share anything that I feel inside related to spirituality, money mindset, limiting beliefs, ego deaths, and so much more. Join me on my journey! I'd love to have you. This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. IG: TeAmoAaron
25. From running out of money to my first five figure month: guilt about my privilege (you'll never escape the human experience)
In this episode, I share how I was running out of money earlier this year because I could not find a renter. I had to move back in with my family and felt a great amount of guilt.  By August 2023 (not mentioned in this episode), I made my first five figure month! Join me in Dreams and Money, my three month program, where I teach you the exact methods I used to make this happen: Also there are parts in the episode where it gets really windy. I apologize about that. I was new to podcasting and I didn't realize the wind was so loud. ---------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 12, 2023
34 min
24. If you have a pull inside to be a leader, but you aren't sure why, listen to this
In this episode, I share a few insights that have helped me step into the role of a leader. Hope you enjoy! ----------------------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 9, 2023
39 min
23. What are the gifts and talents you are meant to share with the world? Does God have favorites?
In this episode, I share an interesting question one of my clients asked me: Does God have favorites? I thought it was such an interesting question and I delved into it. --------- At the time of this recording, I was a one on one budget coach. I have now transitioned my services into a self-paced course. It is a three month long intensive all about how to attract more money into your life. My clients and students attract thousands and thousands of dollars to themselves and it's literally pure magic. If you're interested in joining the course, Dreams and Money, take a look at my website for more details: I also have a free course called "Attract More Money" for those who have no clue what they spend each month. All you will need is access to excel. This course will also show you how to create a budget for yourself, guide you in a coupe audios explaining how money is spiritual, and also gives you two free meditations for further support. --------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 7, 2023
27 min
22. How to know if a sign or message is from the divine, your ancestors and your spirit guides
In this episode, I share how asking for signs has been a little difficult for me. I share what has been working and what hasn't. We are all different! What works for one may not work for all. --------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 6, 2023
31 min
21. The first time a spirit tried to come through me and talk to their loved one (and I yelled at them to leave)
In this episode, I describe the first time a spirit (who I did not know) tried to come through me and talk to their loved one. It was wild. -------------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 5, 2023
21 min
20. The first time I ever got a reading from a psychic medium
This was the first time I ever had a reading by a psychic. It was wild.  The episode is a cluster per usual.  Some of the things that have come true that the psychic mentioned: In July 2023, my business transitioned from 1:1 coaching to a self paced course. In my first launch of the self paced course, I made $13,000 revenue (August 2023). This was more than what I made in the previous six months (December 2022 to June 2023) in 1:1 coaching combined (around $12,000). My self-paced course combines spirituality and money, much more than my 1:1 coaching experience did. So when Anna was saying that I will be combining money with what I was reading about at the time (spirituality and intuition), my self paced course seems to be exactly that. The second launch of the course begins January 2024. I have still not met the new husband LOL. But she did say in 2023 or early 2024. I now have a renter in my home. It took a few months of no one even putting in an application, and then all of a sudden around May 2023, I got one application and my renter signed the contract. I have the most perfect renter who pays rent early every month. Every time I have almost been at $0 in the bank, I am saved some way, either by a client singing up for coaching, a perfect renter falling in my lap, a big, unexpected tax return, a refund, etc. It's as if at every turn I am being thrown some money to hold me over. I did end up going to the training Anna said I should go to. I have been taking medium classes on and off for the last several months. If you'd like to have a reading by Anna, below is her website. Disclaimer, a psychic is not a substitute from professional, medical help: ----------------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 3, 2023
41 min
19. How I received the intuitive hit to start a podcast: following the breadcrumbs
Before actually creating this podcast, I made around 60 podcast episodes all on my phone in February and March 2023. I did not create the actual podcast until April 2023. You will hear me say in this episode that I have no idea what the title of this podcast is, and that's because I never knew if I'd have the courage to share the audios I was making. But I still acted like I would be speaking to an audience one day. --------- IG: Subscribe to my email list: This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 2, 2023
29 min
18. I was never intuitive as a child...except this one time
In this episode, I share with you the only time I may have experienced something "intuitive" as a child.  At one point in this episode I mention having a vision of my grandparents showing me unconditional love. I detailed this vision in podcast episode 16. The vision that showed me unconditional love: never felt a love like this (I'm a sobbing mess).  IG: Subscribe to my email list: - This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Dec 1, 2023
22 min
17. How do you make a vision happen?  Is mediumship genetic?: The first time all three of my grandparents came to me in a vision
I was walking on a very busy street while recording this episode. I was new to podcasting and did not realize I would not be able to take out the background noise. For future episodes, I tried to avoid busy areas. Apologies for the sound. Embrace detours [1:00 - 10:00] How I “made” a vision happen [10:00 - 14:26] Is having visions or being a medium genetic [14:26- 20:22] A couple more thoughts on visions [21:11 - 23:17] Journal entry: my grandparents visiting me all at once for the first time in a vision [23:17 to end] You will hear me say throughout the podcast episode “for 2 and a half years I did xyz” and I am referring to the time between fall 2019 and April 2022. During this time, I was reading books all about spirituality and studying to see what the divine wanted of me, what the universe wanted of me. In April 2022, I had my first vision. So when I say “for 2 and a half years” that is what I am referring to, my time of consciously studying all things manifestation until I had my first vision. I was not studying how to have a vision, I was not studying how to be a medium, these things are the byproduct of surrender (I wish someone had told me that, hence this podcast lol). Other episodes mentioned: 6. first vision from April 2022 , 13. underrated essentials to your spiritual practice, 14. Books, courses, coaches and podcasts I listened to  IG: Subscribe to my email list: - This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Oct 5, 2023
31 min
16. The vision that showed me unconditional love: never felt a love like this (I'm a sobbing mess)
This episode was recorded February 2023. I share with you the moment after I had a vision of my grandparents showing me unconditional love. I am a sobbing, bumbling wreck. Being visited by the Other Side was still (and is still lol) overwhelming for me. I wasn't sure if I should post this audio but thought "Why not!?" IG: Subscribe to my email list: - This podcast is meant to share my experiences. I am not a professional. Please seek guidance from a trusted practitioner and always do your own research. Have discernment as it applies to your own life when listening to each episode. Leave what feels restrictive, keep what feels expansive. If you are new to the podcast, I suggest listening to the first uploaded episode where I explain how my medium journey began.
Sep 21, 2023
12 min
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