All The Pods In Casterly Rock: A Game of Thrones Podcast Podcast

All The Pods In Casterly Rock: A Game of Thrones Podcast

Connor Tapp
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Every week Connor and Drew Tapp break down the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Support this podcast:
Part 3 of S8E1: Winterfell | Game of Thrones
Jon and Sansa have it out in the solar. Dany's attempt to thank Sam for saving Jorah goes awry. Bran waits for Jaime. And was the pattern of limbs around Ned Umber supposed to be the Targaryen sigil? --- Support this podcast:
Apr 19, 2019
36 min
Part 2, S1E1: Winterfell | Game of Thrones
Connor and Drew get into the King's Landing plot and Arya's many reunions in part two of three of their breakdown of "Winterfell." --- Support this podcast:
Apr 17, 2019
49 min
S8E1: Winterfell | Game of Thrones | Part 1
Danaerys Targaryen and her army march on Winterfell. The northern smallfolk give the dragon queen an icy reception; the nobles too! What does it all mean for our heroes, and why in the seven hells aren't we getting elephants. All that and more in part one of our breakdown of the first episode of Game of Thrones' final season. --- Support this podcast:
Apr 16, 2019
44 min
Introducing: All The Pods In Casterly Rock
Hello, my name is Connor Tapp, co-host of All The Pods In Casterly Rock. Every week during the final season of Game of Thrones, I'll be breaking down the latest episode with my brother, Drew Tapp. After the series finale airs in May, we'll be diving into the other aspects of George R.R. Martin's vast Song of Ice And Fire universe, including the books and the spinoff series, whenever those finally arrive. Subscribe to All The Pods In Casterly Rock now, wherever you listen to podcasts. --- Support this podcast:
Apr 13, 2019
41 sec