Alex Rivas Preaching Podcasts Podcast

Alex Rivas Preaching Podcasts

Alex Rivas
This is a collection of preaching messages by Alex Rivas.
Faith and Generosity
Security in money is a constant battle in the life of every Christian. When we win this “security battle” and anchor our whole lives on God and His promises, we will discover that being generous stems from an experience of God’s overflowing grace and the desire for His name to be honored.
Oct 27, 2019
48 min
How will I know if I love money more than God? We want to be able to discern between greed and contentment. And in doing so, we will be able to pursue God and what matters to Him.
Oct 13, 2019
38 min
Our Eternal Home
In just a span of a century, we’ve seen vast numbers of people flock and relocate to cities, or metros, which have turned into centers of activity all around the world. While this move may be a means for people to meet their felt needs, God, as revealed in Scripture, has planned this beforehand to be a means to carry out His plan of redemption for all mankind.  We are able to endure, persevere, and overcome all things in this life because of a heavenly vision of the New Jerusalem. We are just pilgrims here on earth because our true home is the city in heaven whose architect and builder is God.
Oct 6, 2019
32 min
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Grace Changes Everything - Jesus and Zacchaeus  Jesus enters the house of this great sinner, even as people judged him for it, transforming the man into a doer of good. While people question the people God uses, Jesus seeks, saves, and transforms the lost.
Aug 25, 2019
32 min
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Beyond the Signs - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead Jesus now arrives to mourning, particularly of Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary. What we learn from his interaction with Martha and Mary, as well as from what he does next will show us (as did every single sign before this week) who he is, and more particularly for this final week, what he has come to do.
Apr 15, 2017
45 min