Alex likes movies and stuff Podcast

Alex likes movies and stuff

The podcast of the Youtuber called Alex Hoey’s Channel. In the podcast Alex and different guests talk about movies and television. Episodes will be out whenever I get the time
Episode 4:Star Wars News
In the 4th Episode of the podcast we talk about all the new Star Wars news with Ben Johnson. Hope you enjoy.
Jan 8, 2021
33 min
Episode 3:Halloween
In the third episode of the podcast me and Thomas Kincaid talk all the Halloween movies in anticipation of next years “Halloween Kills” and 2022’s “Halloween Ends”. I hope you enjoy this special Halloween episode
Oct 31, 2020
1 hr 20 min
Episode 2:The DC Fandome
In this episode me and Tom Kincaid talk all the announcements that DC made in the recent “DC Fandome” event. It has been split into two parts so we will be doing one episode on this subject. That means this episode focuses only on the first half of announcements that were made on the 22nd of August. Do to unforeseen events I’m not up for covering the second part. Hope you enjoy.
Aug 27, 2020
1 hr 32 min
Episode 1:An Introduction
Today me and my first guest, Ben Johnson, talk about what you can expect from this podcast as well as a announcement about my biggest project yet. I hope you enjoy
Aug 10, 2020
18 min