The AJN Podcast
The AJN Podcast
July 2014 Highlights
7 minutes Posted Jun 25, 2014 at 1:46 pm.
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Editor-in-chief Shawn Kennedy and Clinical Managing Editor Karen Roush present the highlights of the July issue of the American Journal of Nursing. A 17-year-old football player with type 1 diabetes appears on our cover this month, relating to our first CE, “Diabetes and Puberty: A Glycemic Challenge.” Our second CE, an original research piece, discusses engaging patients as partners in quality improvement projects.

We have the fifth installment of our Systematic Reviews series which explains data extraction and synthesis. And our new Quality Counts column explores the role of nurses in programs that measure health care quality. A patient advocate and cancer survivor wrote this month’s Viewpoint on what patients need from nurses. And an AJN Reports column provides an update on what conditions should be screened for and when. We profile the chief nurse of the U.S. Public Health Service, and our Safety Monitor column this month outlines infection prevention practices in ambulatory surgery centers. In addition, there’s Legal Clinic, News, Reflections, Drug Watch, Art of Nursing, and more.