Welcome back to the 9th episode of against all odds. Today Our heros make their way out of nocturn valley and watch as their fortunes bend...for the worse.
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
Jun 17, 2019
2 hr 42 min

Welcome back to the 8th episode of against all odds. today I talk....and we listen to those good good notes.
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works - were on hiatus over here
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
Jun 8, 2019
35 min

Welcome back to the 7th episode of Against all odds! Finally our heroes have arrived at the mansion, but events have separated them, and now jack and beau must brave this new danger without atlas.
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works - were on hiatus over here
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
May 31, 2019
2 hr 42 min

Welcome back to the 6th episode of Against all odds! a way out has been revealed to our intrepid heros, and now they must brave the haunted woods to get the components needed to leave!
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
May 24, 2019
2 hr 2 min

Welcome back to the 5th episode of Against all odds! After the daring defeat of the lich frank it is revealed to our hero's that this world isn't as small as it seems!
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
May 17, 2019
1 hr 58 min

Welcome back to the 4th episode of Against all odds! Having just found themselves shunted into a hellscape our heroes scramble to their feet to face the strange new world before them.
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions, comments, and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! I've used alot of these for awhile now, so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
May 10, 2019
2 hr 18 min

Welcome back to the third episode of Against all odds! This time the gang finds themselves in the hustle and bustle of the big city known as tabby town, as they look into lost "friends" and dimensional portals that open up into the towns gambling hall.
Official Folly Works Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
Our other home on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
Best Place to get a hold of us for questions comment and Critiques -
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thanks to the astronomical amount of people that upload to freesound.com! without them the ambiance you hear in the background would be nonexistent! so thanks to -
Track Name: " Dragon warrior loopable"
Composed by: Marcus Dellicompagni
Website: www.PoundSound.co.uk
Klankbeeld, Headphaze, Jacobalcook, hybrid-v, Silverillusionist, Dingo1, Growingup, Heirlooms, Slaking-97, Mativve, Anechoix, Castleofsamples, Qubodup
Inspector j - moaning of the dead, and Ambience Creepy wind
If you go to Freesound.com all these cool folks and more will be there. Im also gonna start uploading ambience tracks up there soon so that people can use them!
May 3, 2019
1 hr 11 min

If you enjoy dont forget to leave us a rating and comment on the show wherever its applicable, and Share this with at least 1 other person. Any feedback is very much appreciated.
Our Home on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66ku9t9SsbscMe9-0OUCkA
The offical patreon of Folly Works, and Against all Odds - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
here is our other show avalibe on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
official email for inquires, and questions - [email protected]
Apr 19, 2019
1 hr 16 min

If you enjoy dont forget to leave us a rating and comment on the show wherever its applicable, and Share this with at least 1 other person. Any feedback is very much appreciated.
Our Home on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66ku9t9SsbscMe9-0OUCkA
The offical patreon of Folly Works, and Against all Odds - https://www.patreon.com/FollyWorks
here is our other show avalibe on anchor - https://anchor.fm/folly-works
official email for inquires, and questions - [email protected]
Apr 6, 2019
1 hr 40 min