Afterlife TV with Bob Olson
Afterlife TV with Bob Olson
Bob Olson
Description of Spirit World Channeled by Chico Xavier – Our Home aka Nosso Lar
45 minutes Posted Jun 18, 2015 at 6:44 am.
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WAGNER DE ASSIS: “Only a few lucky people have seen this early Afterlife TV episode. Brazilian medium Chico Xavier channeled the story of Dr. Andre Luiz who experienced an enlightening spiritual awakening after his death. Chico Xavier published Andre's story in his bestselling book, Nosso Lar, which is Portuguese for Our Home.

“This famous book has been made into a movie by filmmaker Wagner de Assis. Wagner wrote and directed the movie titled Astral City: A Spiritual Journey, and he was generous enough to talk with me about the movie, the book, and his extensive knowledge about life after death. This is not your typical interview to promote a movie, but rather an insightful conversation about our spiritual journey back home to the spirit world after our lives have ended. Wagner de Assis and I use the movie as the foundation for our afterlife discussion, which stands alone even if you don’t watch the movie.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV

Bob Olson interviews filmmaker Wagner de Assis
about Chico Xavier's version of the spirit world.
Released on December 6, 2011 in the United States, Astral City is one of the top selling movies in Brazilian history. It was seen by over 2 million people in the first week alone, and was the most expensive production ever made in Brazil. Among it's many awards, Astral City won the Cinema Brazil Grande Prize for Best Special Effects.
Astral City (and Nosso Lar, the book) is the story of one man's journey after death throughout the spiritual world. It's a heartwarming story that teaches about love, peace and forgiveness, and it touches a lot of deep questions about the human condition. Writer and director Wagner de Assis says of the film, "It's a story that moves you, that makes you think and reflect about our origins. It has provoked intense reactions in many people, presenting concepts such as 'unconscious suicide,' the application of the spiritual law of action and reaction, and the new paradigms of living with the knowledge that life goes on, that the grave is not the end."


To purchase the Astral City: A Spiritual Journey DVD on To visit the Astral City Facebook page: To watch a trailer for Astral City: YouTube Video.  To Purchase Chico Xavier's book in English: