After the Fact
After the Fact
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Pandemic’s Impact on America’s Civil Courts
18 minutes Posted Feb 19, 2021 at 5:16 am.
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Stat: 70%: The percentage of debt collection cases that result in default judgment, or automatic win, to plaintiffs.  

Story: Debt collection cases are the most common civil court cases today, but many Americans are navigating the civil legal system without legal representation and paying heavy consequences. In this episode we hear from Erika Rickard, who leads Pew’s work to modernize civil court systems, on the issues surrounding debt collection cases and how the pandemic is bringing some courtrooms online. We’ll also speak to Chief Justice Nathan Hecht from the Supreme Court of Texas about how data on debt collection cases is informing the state’s efforts to ensure the court process is open, fair, and transparent.