This Might Help with Matt Braunger Podcast
This Might Help with Matt Braunger
Matt Braunger
Ep 94 - Kyle Buchanan is Here to Help with The Fury of Your Road! - episode of This Might Help with Matt Braunger podcast

Ep 94 - Kyle Buchanan is Here to Help with The Fury of Your Road!

1 hour 22 minutes Posted Mar 17, 2022 at 10:00 am.
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If the bars of Eastern Los Angeles could talk, the tales they would tell of me and the two Kyles (Buchanan and Kinane). Kinane, as you might know, and I moved to LA from Chicago together. Back in the early 2000s, we bounced around drinking our way through LA with writer Kyle Buchanan. It was a fun, fun time. Kyle B and I haven’t talked much since, but he’s become quite the success, becoming the head columnist for The Projectionist at The New York Times. He’s got a new book out about the stone cold classic “Fury Road” called “Blood, Sweat, and Chrome” that I’m reading now, and absolutely loving. You should get it if you like cool stuff. It was an absolute blast catching up with Kyle and answering advice for strangers. Listen now!

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