Adventures of an Entrepreneur Podcast

Adventures of an Entrepreneur

Bruce Bright Jr
Join Bruce Bright Jr, a small business owner that has started and grown a service business from $0 to over $60,000 in sales in the first year of business. Dive deep into everything he has learned and will learn along this entrepreneurial adventure to $100,000+ in sales. Bruce will be interviewing successful entrepreneurs from many different industries, talking about entrepreneurial and business books he has read, sharing mistakes and successes from his own business experiences, and breaking down his own business and how he plans on growing it to the six-figure mark. Join the adventure and learn how to become a successful entrepreneur from someone who is striving to learn himself!
Ep. 14 Trevor Byron Breaks Down How He's Made Money From Stocks, Sports Cards, Sneakers, Fashion and His Clothing Brand Awoken Dreams
Trevor Byron started his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 13 and he's only expanded his income since then! It began when him and his friends camped outside of a sneaker store to wait to buy a "What the Lebron" shoe. He was offered double what he paid right when he walked out of the store and he continued to wait in line and flip the shoe until he had done it 8 times and made a ton of profit.Since then Trevor has gotten into many different industries, including the fashion industry. He has tons of social media followers and always has some exclusive designer clothes for sale. This was a natural expansion from shoes because his customers obviously care how they look and are interested in designer clothes as well.Trevor also spent quarantine researching and improving his stock portfolio. He prefers to buy and hold for the long term, but he also has an account that he uses to trade options occasionally. He posts this stuff on his social media too and if you're quick enough you can make some money by following Trevor's picks.Another industry that Trevor has tapped into recently is sports cards. This is a super interesting industry and Trevor and his brother have both made some serious money from buying low and selling high. We talk more about how he got into sports cards and what his strategy looks like.The final and one of the most exciting ventures Trevor has taken on is starting his own clothing brand. Awoken Dreams is Trevor's clothing brand and the link for the website is below: site is only opened for limited time, so check the Awoken Dreams Instagram below to see when they are releasing their next drop: you want to contact Trevor you can reach him on his Instagram: for listening to the show! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoy the show!
Feb 15, 2021
24 min
Ep. 13 The Importance Of Being A Mission Based Entrepreneur with Kuda Biza
In this episode I interview Kuda Biza who is the founder of Nunbelievable, a baked goods company with a mission to feed the hungry. For every box of cookies they sell, they donate a meal to a person in need. Kuda started his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 9 in his home country of Zimbabwe. He wanted money to buy ice cream, but his mother wouldn't give in to his ice cream dreams. He decided to take it into his own hands and started washing windows around his neighborhood to make some money. Eventually, he had done the whole neighborhood and had plenty of money to buy ice cream whenever he desired.Kuda went on to start 7 companies in his life so far and has always been a mission based entrepreneur. When he was in college, he started a company with $150 dollars that ended up feeding thousands of children in Africa. The importance of giving back is evident in Kuda's life and it's just as clear in his newest venture Nunbelievable.Check out Nunbelievable: also wrote a book called "The S.P.E.A.R Method: 5 Simple Steps to Balanced Success and Fulfillment" which you can check out at the link below.SPEAR MethodIf you want to get in touch with Kuda you can contact him at the link below:Instagram: for listening to this episode! Please rate and leave a review if you enjoyed!Podcast WebsitePodcast Instagram
Feb 8, 2021
34 min
Ep. 12 Beating Brain Cancer And Becoming A Best Selling Author With No Business Plan with Matt Newman
In this episode I interview Matt Newman, a financial planning expert, public speaker, father, best selling author and brain cancer survivor. Matt's story is super inspiring and he has a mentality that everyone can learn a lot from!Matt became a financial planning expert after college and was super successful in the wholesaling of financial services. His passion is making sure everyone is prepared for the worst case scenario when it comes to their finances. If you were to get sick, would your wife and kids be taken care of? He helps people with this responsibility to their families and makes sure they are ready for anything!One day Matt got in a car crash and he walked away from it and all was good... he thought. That night and over the next few days, he had pains in his head that were excruciating! He went to the hospital and was told he had a 'lesion' on a lobe of his brain. He did not know that the word 'lesion' meant brain tumor, until days later and that was when he found out he had brain cancer. He had it surgically removed and went through chemo therapy and radiation and has been cancer free for almost 8 years!While Matt was fighting his cancer, he would write whenever he got overwhelmed and needed to vent. He started sending out emails to his friends and within a few weeks his email list had grown to thousands of people. He didn't try to grow this list, he just people ask if they could add people and it snowballed super fast!This was the same strategy he used for his book that he wrote! The book is called 'Starting at the Finish Line" and he wrote it with no marketing plan. He just wrote from a real perspective and people loved the raw nature of the book and it was #1 in 4 categories on Amazon!Matt really breaks down his story in this episode and dives deep into his mindset and his passions. You can reach Matt at the link below: for listening to this episode! Please leave a rating and review, so we can start to jump in the rankings! You can check out the podcast Instagram and Facebook below:
Feb 1, 2021
39 min
Ep. 11 Interview With Angel Ribo About How He Went From Working For A Corporation To Coaching CEO's In 30 Different Countries
In this episode I interview Angel Ribo, The CEO Confidant, who has a coaching firm where he assists CEO's in making decisions and running their business more efficiently. We dive into how he started his entrepreneurial journey, how he's grown his business, where he sees his life going in the future, what he's done differently to beat his competitors, and his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.Angel Ribo is originally from Spain and has been all over the world, but is currently living in Texas, USA. He has done business in over 30 different countries and he speaks 3+ languages. This has allowed Angel to expand his brand to a wide audience around the globe.He hasn't always been a successful businessman though, he started his journey working in big corporations and building them up. One day he realized that he was an expert in growing businesses and knew he could help CEO's grow their businesses. He left his safe job and decided to work for himself. Since starting his coaching and consulting business Angel has done business in 30+ countries and has a global brand. He's known as The CEO Confidant and he's grown from a self ran company to running a team of people that keep his business running smoothly.The money isn't what drives Angel, though. His true passion his helping under privileged kids in Latin America. He started a non-profit called Wisdom for Kids that goes down to Latin American villages and helps the children. They run programs that help the kids feel empowered and energized, while also educating the kids in a wide variety of topics.If you want to get in contact with Angel you can go to the link below: for listening to this episode! Please leave a review or a rating!Podcast Facebook: Site:
Jan 28, 2021
53 min
Ep. 10 - 90% Of Businesses Fail During The First Year! How To Guarantee You're In The 10% That Succeed w/ Jaryd Krause
In this episode I'm interviewing Jaryd Krause, the owner of multiple profitable online businesses and the host of "Buying Online Businesses" a podcast and website where Jaryd teaches people how to replace their income by purchasing and growing an online business.We talk about the fact that 90% of businesses fail within their first year of starting, and how that stat got Jaryd thinking...what if I just skip that first year and buy a business that has already outlasted 90% of the competition.Jaryd bought his first site for $15k and made a 30% return in his first year!! He went on to buy 2 more online businesses in that same year and traveled around the world while running these companies.Jaryd started 'Buying Online Businesses' because people were constantly asking him how he did this and if he could teach them how. So, he decided to dive deeper into his passion for passive income and began to teach people how to buy and grow online businesses. You can check out his podcast and website at the links below: businessOne thing that is clear about Jaryd is his unique mindset that many entrepreneurs naturally have... which is his positivity and ability to always see opportunities when others only see the negatives. Jaryd also shares some of his daily habits and routines that you can learn more about in the episode.If you're watching this before Jan. 28 2021, Jaryd is hosting an online summit with a ton of expert speakers in the online business field. Go check it out at and get your FREE ticket right now!Thank you for listening to this episode! Please leave a rating and review on the podcast, so that we can try to get as many people listening as we can! You can contact me at the links below!
Jan 25, 2021
55 min
Ep. 9 Turning Your Dream Job Into A Thriving Business w/ Christina Flach - CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup
In this episode I talk to Christina Flach, a professional makeup artist that has worked with huge names like Journey, Metallica, Condoleezza Rice, Bobby Flay and many more. She is also the CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup, a makeup company that she started back in 1999 and has been successfully growing since then.She had been doing makeup professionally for five years when she finally got tired of her lip gloss coming off whenever she ate or drank anything. She decided she would fix this problem and that was the beginning of Pretty Girl Makeup. She found a problem and fixed it!Christina also has a deeper mission in life, which is to raise awareness for sepsis and make people more aware of the signs and symptoms. If you go to the doctor in time, they can do a blood test, put you on an IV of antibiotics and you'll survive. To find out what the warning signs are for sepsis listen to this episode!Christina has always been a hard worker and she says that the reason that she succeeds when others fail, is that she always goes the extra mile, in everything she does". When she was climbing her way up in the professional makeup artist game, she would work long hours and do anything for her clients to make them happy. Her work was also top notch, but there are a lot of good makeup artists. Her extra mile approach put her above the rest, when it came dow to who to hire.Although Christina works hard, she also gives herself some time to relax or exercise everyday. A balance in her life is super important to her and she urges all entrepreneurs to not set unrealistic goals for yourself. Love yourself and don't be too hard on yourself! Your happiness is the most important thing, so do what makes you happy!If you want to contact Christina Flach or check out Pretty Girl Makeup you can reach her at the links below:Pretty Girl Makeup: for listening to this episode! Please leave a rating or review, so we can get the show out to more people!You can contact me at the links below:Website:
Jan 21, 2021
21 min
Ep. 8 Purchasing And Running A Franchise During COVID-19 Times w/ (My Sister) Tori Cozart
Today I interview Tori Cozart, who is also my sister, and a business owner in Chattanooga, TN. Tori has had multiple jobs at good companies including being the marketing manager at the Birmingham, AL Mercedes Dealership and she has a degree in Economics with a minor in business administration. So, Tori definitely has a good business mind.We start off talking about how she decided to move from a secure job to purchasing an AR Workshop franchise during the prime of the COVID-19 outbreak. She has always pictured herself running a business, she just wasn't sure what it would be until one day an opportunity hit her. Her mom sent her an email about an AR Workshop that was for sale and jokingly said that maybe that could be her side hustle. Tori had visited an AR Workshop before and started to research it as a legitimate opportunity.Tori has put together an amazing team behind her to make her life easier (not any less stressful), but as a great support system to help her make good decisions. We talk about her struggles in the first couple months of ownership and how she has dealt with all of the problems they've faced. We also discuss how Tori has managed to earn 92% of the income that the prior owners made, while dealing with a global pandemic!Tori has some big plans for growing the business even more and blowing the past sales numbers out of the water. She also breaks down her future goals a little bit, which you can find out about in the episode!If you want to check out Tori and AR Workshop Franklin go to the links below:Tori's Instagram: Workshop: more about the podcast at the links below:www.Adventuresofanentrepreneur.coShow Facebook Page
Jan 18, 2021
52 min
Ep. 7 Paul Getter - Teaching Himself Internet Marketing, Growing His Personal Brand Past 1M Followers And Securing Clients Like Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Akon And Many More
In this episode I interview Paul Getter, "The Internet Marketing Nerd", who is an expert marketer and has massive clients, like Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Akon, Tim Storey and many more! While working with these giant names on exploding their online marketing presence he has turned his personal brand into a massive success by amassing over 1,000,000 followers on Instagram.But, Paul hasn't always been ultra successful... before he got into the internet marketing world, Paul was cutting grass, delivering phone books out of the back of his minivan and doing anything else he could to make money. Eventually, he made a Facebook page and helped out his local church with setting up their facebook page. He ended up teaching himself internet marketing through trial and error because there was no other way to do it at the beginning. He was one of the early adopters of Facebook ads and ended up being a product tester for their ad platform. This gave him an edge at learning all the new features as they came out. He has been learning ever since and his results show how much he knows. He has grown multiple pages to over a million followers and has helped multi-millionaires and billionaires up their marketing game.Paul and I discuss his opinions about the newest opportunities in the internet marketing world and how people can take advantage of these opportunities. We also talked about what Paul would focus on if he were starting over and was going to try to grow his personal brand and business in today's climate.Paul aspires to reach more than just monetary success and he has a passion for helping the homeless. He's on the board of directors for a large non-profit for the homeless. We talk about his future goals about helping coach and mentor more people along with expand his philanthropic ventures.I'm very grateful I got to talk with Paul and pick his brain about so many different marketing strategies and questions. If you want to contact Paul for any reason you can find him on Instagram at the link below.Paul's Instagram:'s Websites: you want to learn more about the podcast check out the links below!Podcast Facebook: Website:
Jan 14, 2021
50 min
Ep. 6 Starting A Business That You're Passionate About Without A College Degree w/ Raf Hairston
In this episode I talk to Raf Hairston, the founder of LVCO and Blakful Network. Raf started both of these companies and grew them to success without a college degree. Raf dives into what it takes to succeed in business, especially if you don't attend college.Raf Hairston chose to forego college in his early life due to his circumstances, and instead he got a sales job that worked 100% on commission. He could've worked on an assembly line, but he chose to work with his brain instead. He quickly sold his way into the top 1% of his company and was supporting his family very well. This job wasn't his true passion though. He took a risk and it paid off.He taught himself how to develop apps and websites and started LVCO, a software development company. Raf next started Blakful Network in order to follow his true passion, which is supporting black owned businesses. Blakful Network is a network of a ton of apps, such as, Linkss, Blaklink, OrderUp, Trustful, Analytiful and Blakful. A whole host of apps that helps businesses cut costs and get to customers as efficiently as possible. Learn more about LVCO and Blakful Network at the links below: also breaks down his advice to aspiring entrepreneurs and explains what it takes to reach success. You can learn exactly what he recommends in this episode!Please subscribe if you want to continue to learn from amazing entrepreneurs like Raf!Podcast Site: Facebook:
Jan 11, 2021
38 min
Ep. 5 Jeff Lopes - Starting A Global Brand, Building A Real Estate Portfolio And Focusing On Your Higher Calling
In this episode, I interview Jeff Lopes, an entrepreneur that has started numerous companies including his first when he was 17 years old.  After 2 profitable business ventures before his 21st birthday Jeff started Kimurawear, a martial arts and boxing equipment company.Jeff started Kimurawear out of his garage and was initially an apparel brand that sponsored 26 UFC athletes. After the mixed martial arts boom around the world there were multiple large brands that move into the space and could afford to pay the athletes more. So, Jeff pivoted and started manufacturing martial arts and boxing equipment at premium prices. But, once again Jeff noticed another need and pivoted to making affordable entry level fighting equipment as well as the premium line. Jeff still runs Kimurawear and has grown it to a multi-million dollar brand that has sold over a quarter million pairs of boxing gloves. Jeff breaks down the story of how he started and grew this incredible brand from his garage to over 1800 gyms in this episode. Lopes is also a family man and when his son was born he realized that he needed more passive income in his life. Kimurawear was great money, but he had to work long hours away from his family. So, he started researching and decided on getting into vacation rental properties. He started True Blue Homes and bought a condo in northern Canada that he renovated and rented out. He saved his earnings has rolled them into many more vacation rentals in the same area. Jeff has a clear vision for his real estate holdings and is in the process of opening up a full multiple cabin resort in the same area as his current properties.  He explains his motivations behind investing in real estate and why he recommends people get into it in this episode.Jeff was incredibly productive when COVID-19 hit last year and we go into all he got done in this episode. But, one big thing he did was start a podcast called: 'Jeff Knows Inc. Show'. Over the last 10 months he has had some huge guests on and has nearly 500,000 downloads. You can check out his show at the link below.Jeff Knows Inc Show LinkThe one thing that Jeff holds above his businesses is his family. He is a devout father that shows his commitment through his actions. When he is making his schedule he first blocks off his time for his family and then he can plug in all of his other engagements. He also has a 3-7 rule where as soon as the clock strikes 3, he is done working and he heads home to spend time with the family. Jeff also makes sure that if either of his kids are afraid of anything, the whole family goes out and does that thing to get over the fear. His commitment to being a great husband and father is extremely admirable and he dives into how he accomplishes this in this episode.Jeff's higher purpose is being a dad entrepreneur and coaching other dad entrepreneur's in how to be an effective businessman, while also giving 100% to your family. He has a coaching program releasing soon called "Man's Purpose" and you can learn more at the link below. If you want to learn more about Jeff Lopes the links to Jeff's social media and personal website are below. subscribe if you enjoyed the episode and want to hear from more exciting, successful entrepreneurs!Podcast Site: www.adventuresofanentrepreneur.coPodcast Facebook:
Jan 7, 2021
1 hr 16 min
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