Addicted to M.R.R. Podcast
Addicted to M.R.R.
Travis Ketchum
S01E09 - "Pivoting from lifetime price to $97k M.R.R." with Casey Zeman of EasyWebinar - episode of Addicted to M.R.R. podcast

S01E09 - "Pivoting from lifetime price to $97k M.R.R." with Casey Zeman of EasyWebinar

51 minutes Posted Apr 14, 2020 at 11:00 am.
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Casey Zeman has been a scrappy and creative entrepreneur for many years now. Starting with an acting career in Hollywood, then realizing he needed more money as quickly as possible to take care of his family - he turned to online marketing.

He quickly realized there a greater chance of success in online marketing than acting alone and found that live training through webinars was insanely effective.

Just like many other software platforms that exist, EasyWebinar was born out of frustration with what was available on the market so he started building what he wanted to use himself.

Launching the first version as a WordPress plugin allowed him to keep costs down, and over time he was able to build up a profitable software and training business that was rebuilt as a Software as a Service (SaaS).

EasyWebinar is now doing over $97k in monthly recurring revenue, and Casey has a team of talented people helping thousands of customers achieve success.

Check out what EasyWebinar has to offer here:

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