What is your relationship with pain like? I read a post by Tony Robbins on the purpose of pain, in essence, he was saying that pain is a catalyst for massive action which results in lasting change. I totally agree with this, my own journey has taught me to embrace pain and discomfort because there is a blessing ironically waiting for me on the other side.
In this episode, I explore the importance of pain in our growth and transformation journey and why it is necessary to learn to embrace pain rather than run away or deny it.
Jan 23, 2020
11 min

Each new year is filled with so much hope, and that is a beautiful thing however we rarely give much thought to the power of hope. In this episode I explore the innate potential of tapping into hope as a currency and how this will help with any entrepreneurial or ministerial endeavours you may have. Don't forget to stay connected with me via my website and download my latest optin freebie.
Feb 27, 2019
16 min

This episode explores what's behind being triggered, and what to do if you're being triggered by social media as the year draws to an end.
Nov 29, 2018
12 min

I share the ONE thing you need to do to ensure your 2019 is off the Charts. Enjoy.
Nov 26, 2018
11 min

We all go through pain, trials and tribulations, it seems to be part and parcel of human life. But how can changing your attitude towards pain bring liberation, healing and empowerment to you and others.
Mar 6, 2018
12 min

What is purpose, how do we discover it and how to uncover your superpowers
Feb 9, 2018
10 min

Money Mindset and the Bible - what does it say about poverty? Should Christians be poor or is it a sign that they don't know who they are?
Dec 21, 2017
30 min

What you really need to know about mindset and how it impacts on what you experience in life. Plus 6-month coaching/mentoring scholarship opportunities.
Dec 7, 2017
16 min

We all use the word deserve, sometimes in a good way, great way or not such a great way but how might shifting how you use it create more room for receiving what you desire? Find out in this episode.
Oct 26, 2017
7 min

God says He has given us the power to make wealth, what does this really mean? How can we unknowingly develop a lack mentality when we fail to rightly divide God's Word? Is there a higher abundance?
Sep 29, 2017
15 min
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